phpWCMS .vs php-NUKE

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phpWCMS .vs php-NUKE

Post by thanhnq »

I'm very new to Content Management System, and I want to build a news website. I know there are many php CMSs, and I'm confused. Can you suggest me some with comments?


Post by brans »

phpWCMS is probably the most easy to understand and one of the best documented systems ;-)... if you have ever heard of typo3 then the name "small brother of typo3" will come to your ears in connection with WCMS... It is definetly NOT built to create communities, even if it is possible without much work... Its logical article based system is very easy to understand, flexible and the content parts give you many possibilities to format your content. As you can use templates for every category and article itself you can make phpwcms look however you want ...

The only disadvantage for the moment is, that not many different types of menus have been created and most people are not that expert to change all the css and stuff, even if it was very easy after reading selfhtml for about 2 hours... Another point is that at the moment it is not possible to create valid code without tweaking the core code a little bit, but this will come with the next release (1.2).

So if you are looking for a CMS to build a small or middle sized or big page, which is not needing a built-in member-system (which will come witht the next release), phpwcms is absolutely perfect for your needs, as thousands and thousands of people can approve...

here a very big discussion about this subject (german only!)...

another point to go would be: where you can test out almost every good popular cms of the open source community (please be aware that there may be old version of some scripts installed!)
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Post by thanhnq »

Thanks brans,
I decided to use phpWCMS, you can see my website at And in fact, phpWCMS is easy enough for me to understand :wink:
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