VTS with one database but multiple domains??

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VTS with one database but multiple domains??

Post by IMTREX »


I am hosting 2 domains with different content on my server with PHPWCMS. That is done using the same mysql database.

Up to now, I had VTS running only for one domain, but now I need this feature also for the second domain.

For the first domain everything is fine... also the installation of the VTS mod on the second domain went ok...

...when starting VTS now on the second domain, I get the tracks of the first domain as everything goes onto the same entries in the database....

Anybody can tell me what can I modify, or how to create separate tables in the database for the other domain and where modifications to the opentracker has to be made...
Or am I wrong and what I try to do cannot be done??

Thanks for some comments,
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Post by jmeyknecht »

OK, if you are using 2 phpwcms installations in 1 database, then you have at least one with prepending table names, right?

so you need the same for the VTS tables (the ones usually starting with pot_)

All you have to do is use the VTS how to sql script and change the pot_ prepend to something you like and create these tables

if you are finished you must see 2 x all wcms tables and 2 x all pot tables.

the you have to go into /include/inc_ext/phpOpenTracker/phpOpenTracker/conf/phpOpenTracker.php and change the db_table vars by hand.

think, that should work.
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