How to use CSS ?

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Posts: 13
Joined: Sun 12. Sep 2004, 14:28

How to use CSS ?

Post by buddha »

Hallo everyone,

This is probably simple , but for me it is not ;)

When i create a new article and whant to use the styles in the drop down list i only see "normal" ? shouldnt there be a list of formating possibilities, those in the frontend css ?

Please someone help !

Best regards / buddha

Post by Pappnase »


first it would be nice when you tell us wich wysiwyg editor you use! :wink:
Posts: 13
Joined: Sun 12. Sep 2004, 14:28

How to use CSS ?

Post by buddha »

Sorry :) 3 = browser based, i guess:

// other stuff
$phpwcms["compress_page"] = 0; //0 = OFF, 1-9: page compression ON (1 = low level, 9 = highest level)
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$phpwcms["use_gd2"] = 1; //0 = GD1, 1 = GD2
$phpwcms["rewrite_url"] = 0; //whether URL should be rewritable
$phpwcms["wysiwyg_editor"] = 3; //0 = no wysiwyg editor, 1 = HTMLarea, 2 = FCKeditor, 3 = browser based
$phpwcms["phpmyadmin"] = 1; //enable/disable phpMyAdmin in Backend
$phpwcms["default_lang"] = "en"; //default language
$phpwcms["charset"] = "iso-8859-1"; //default charset 'iso-8859-1'
$phpwcms["allow_remote_URL"] = 1; //0 = no remote URL in {PHP:...} replacement tag allowed, 1 = allowed
$phpwcms["gt_mod"] = 0; //0 = Graphical Text MOD disabled, 1 = enabled
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