Design Istwan

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Design Istwan

Post by bachi »

So, schreibt mal drauf los was ihr von der seite haltet.
Kritik ist ebenso Willkommen wie Lob :wink:

Post by brans »

der erste Eindruck deiner Seite kommt echt hammer rüber... super sauberes und schlichtes, aber ansprechendes Layout und Design.

Wenn ich mit Firefox die Seite anschaue, wird beim Hover auf die + Zeichen, wo man die Tabellen aufklappen kann, unterhalb des + ein schwarzes Viereck angezeit, sieht irgendwie merkwürdig aus :D
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Post by pSouper »

I'd be very interested to hear your explanation as to why there is NO COPYRIGHT in the source of your pages at all?
<META NAME="Title" CONTENT="Design Istwan">
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Stefan Bachfischer">
<META NAME="Publisher" CONTENT="Design Istwan">
<META NAME="Copyright" CONTENT="C 2004 by ISTWAN Webdesign">
Really? Honestly?
Last edited by pSouper on Tue 31. Aug 2004, 18:00, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by rookie »

Hmmm... I do like the layout. It looks very static to me in a way, but overall it is nice. :)

The only thing I'd suggest is using proper grammar in your menu. :)
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Post by bachi »

das Schwarze Viereck kommt davon, dass beim Hover- Link ein Background vorgesehen ist. (wie bei den Menü- Links)
Aber ich mach das mit einer anderen class wieder weg :lol:

I'm really sorry. I had the page first offline and was experimenting.
Now the Copyright of phpwcms is aviable in the source.

ok 8)

Post by brans »

bachi you're just someone of those who destroy the open source community...

you might have a look at OG's post and

ppl might have a look at your clients page:

=> look for the copyright but do you see the page title ?!?
The header is just there to approve that we have a wcms-system running,
there much more indicies => links on the frontpage... but no copyright anywhere.. :-(
bachi's login page-header wrote:<html>
<title>phpwcms: LOGIN</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
<link href="include/inc_css/phpwcms.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
backend screenshot:
main page header wrote:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

<title>Ernteprofi --- H. Strohrigl | Ernteprofi H. Strohrigl</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;">
<script src="template/inc_js/frontend.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="template/inc_css/frontend.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./include/inc_module/mod_company/inc_css/mod_company.css"></head>
If you didn't know about this, please correct your faults and if you did know about this, please correct them too and shame on you!

(by the way please correct your port folio's page backend too! Because as I can see now in the frontend you're using 22-06- release and there definetely WAS a copyright in the backend!)
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Post by trip »

I would agree, THE LOGIN should be put back in its original....
remember once you post here, you are under scrutiney of all on the internet...and you can suffer very badly...

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Post by bachi »

I'm really sorry about all this.

The Copyright in the Index- Page:
I have offline copy the folders for my projects. So i copy also the non- copyright index page. Now the copyright is aviable in all sites.

The Backend:
The Backend is only for me. So I thought, that i don't need a copyright. Because I know what for a great cms this is! 8)
But the Copyrights are also aviable no in all my backends.

Please are not sour too. It was a lining up of unfortunate coincidences
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Post by pSouper »

The Backend is only for me. So I thought, that I don't need a copyright. Because I know what for a great cms this is!
IF..the backend is only for you why spend extra time altering its copyright?
I believe actions speak louder than excuses ;)

ignorance is no defense: especially when steeling!

under the GPL copyright LAW you must distribute or make freely available all source to your clients: this means the backend is NOT only for you: you may be the only one choosing to maintain the sites on behalf of your clients but this is of no concern to the copyright holders.
It was a lining up of unfortunate coincidences
may these misaligned coincidences be..
  • you find free software & deceiving your clients with it
  • you parading your design skills alongside your amateurish re-branding on the creators site
  • you being caught out and publicly disgraced within 4 hours

Post by brans »

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Post by Paradroid »

Hi pSouper,

I agree !


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Oliver Georgi
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Post by Oliver Georgi »

everything is OK now :) - so stop beating him.

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Post by brans »

*beat* ;-)
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Post by tobo »

I have not started to use phpwcms yet, and have a question:

Is the menu static or dynamically generated? And is it possible to have horizontally menues generated automatically by the system?

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Post by pSouper »

dynamic & yes :D
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