Order and manually sorting problem when adding article

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Order and manually sorting problem when adding article

Post by Fastbike »

Sometimes, when i add a new article to my list, it doesn't appear as the first (top) article in the categorie. It shows as the second or third. When i try to manually correct this error, it first goes down in the list (when i'm pressing up) to hit the bottom, and then i can go up again. In the meanwhile the whole article list is distorted. This is a very annoying problem which occurs more often as the list grows. Does anybody now what could be wrong?
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Post by pSouper »

This is addresed in severaly posts already: in short.. nothing is wrong. phpWCMS sorts articles by 'Last Edited' the moving of an article constitutes an edit and therefore is moved to the top. others in the list must be 'touched' in order to preserve the 'edited order' this can be done by toggleing the visible icon or by any other means of editing.
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Joined: Tue 15. Jun 2004, 10:45

Post by Fastbike »

I understand that, but that does not explain the fact when i add a new article it doesn't appear as the top article. I am talking about the article list in the admin section, not in the {NEW:X} list. And when it appears as the second article i trie to manually put it upwards to the first postition, it goes down in the list, while i'm pressing up?? :?
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