Spliting article into multiple pages

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Ibis Fernandez
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Spliting article into multiple pages

Post by Ibis Fernandez »

Is it even posible to have my HUGE articles be spread across multiple pages. like at the bottom or top part of the page have a menu for the various pages:

<< 1 2 3 4 5 >>
Ibis Fernandez
Cinestar Filmworks
Author of Macromedia Flash Animation and Cartooning: A Creative Guide

Post by Pappnase »


as far as i know this is not possible at the moment! :cry:
Ibis Fernandez
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Aw man!

Post by Ibis Fernandez »

Im no php whiz but wouldn't this be a simple matter of telling the script to only display x number of content parts per page and generate the menu based on the number of pages created... I dont know maybe it's the most diffult thing ever LOL... darn it after all that work. i was actually sure this was available as a feature. Provably wouldnt have gone this far if I knew ahead of time :(.
Ibis Fernandez
Cinestar Filmworks
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Post by rookie »

I agree. This would be a wonderful feature. :)
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Post by iceman »

The only way I can see is to split your huge article into multiple smaller articles, with each one linking to the other through the [ID x]next..[/ID] tag..

Not ideal but that's the only way i've seen to do it.
Ibis Fernandez
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Post by Ibis Fernandez »

Thats a horrible suggestion.
Ibis Fernandez
Cinestar Filmworks
Author of Macromedia Flash Animation and Cartooning: A Creative Guide

Post by Pappnase »


this was also an earlier Q, but i don't knwo if this will come! maybe post again in feat. request.
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Post by duergner »

When I've got the time today afternoon I'll try to implement something like that in Olivers code. Shouldn't be really hard I suppose.
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Post by DeXXus »

Until something "specific" comes along, you might try creating ~descending~ sub-categories with a simple breadcrumb template maybe?

The breadcrumb would look like this:
Home > Article Title > Article Page 1 > Article Page 2 > Article Page 3 > ETC.
So navigation through article would be clickable down the breadcrumb

The site structure (using sub-categories) would be something like:
- index (website start)
--> - Article Title
----> - Article Page 1
------> - Article Page 2
--------> - Article Page 3
-----------> + ETC.
These subcategories could be assigned a template that, in it's simplest form, used {BREADCRUMB} and {CONTENT} replacement tags only, in the MAIN section of template. The sub-categories would each have at least one "content part" for continuation of each subsequent article page (more "content parts" if needed).
1996 328ti
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Re: :(

Post by 1996 328ti »

Ibis Fernandez wrote:Thats a horrible suggestion.
Why is it horrible? How else would people navigate from page to page?

Using the << 1 2 3 4 5 >> idea, how about using basic html to link to the next article?
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Post by duergner »

But the problem is not with lots of articles but with one article that has lots of content parts. Unfortunatelly I didn't have the time yesterday and now I'm away during the weekend, but I'll try to hack something ASAP.

Should be here during monday CEST I suppose.
1996 328ti
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Post by 1996 328ti »

Now I see your point.

I have an article with several parts and it is longer than I would like.

I wonder if a solution would be to create a hidden sub category in the menu , break up the articles manually. Place the first article in the viewable category and the remaining articles in the hidden cub-category. Then use link articles or something like that. It's cumbersome but may work until something better comes along.

Post by marco »

No need to reinvent the wheel, there are already lots of scripts that do dynamic data pagination; here are a few links:

http://www.php-india.net/modules.php?na ... icle&sid=4
[First Page] Prev < | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | > Next [Last Page]

(<<first <prev 1 of 10 next> last>>)
This one has two examples, an easy one and a harder one.

http://www.devshed.com/c/a/PHP/Paginati ... -with-PHP/

You can find many, many more scritps doing a Google search for "php article pagination script" or something similar.

Somebody who knows php and wcms could probably easily integrate one of these existing scripts.
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Post by pixelpeter »

I've build a paginator ;-) but it's just beta. The hardest thing to ge it to work is the reg-ex because I'm using ###NEXTPAGE### in the content to determine the next page. So the pagination is not really the problem ;-)

Take a look at http://phpwcms.pixelpeter.de/index.php?paginatorexample
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Post by pSouper »

it looks realy very cool PP> what is reg-ex? why is it a problem and what is not working with it as it is? (as of 17|7 10:15gmt)

and would {pagebreak} not be a nice reptag for it? :D just being silly now, you use what ever you like ;)
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