DB Update release 1.3.3 - 1.5

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Re: DB Update release 1.3.3 - 1.5

Post by Jensensen »

things seem to become more and more dramatic, isn't it?
HOW to upgrade --> "fluently" from v1.3.3 (and earlier, older e.g. v1.3.0) without DB errors?

THERE's (should) NO need to need phpMyAdmin DURING UPDATES!!

WHAT'S THIS? :?: please run:
dump A
dump n
dump n+1 --> but search --> forum --> first --> before/while update - OR you ARE offline :?:

need just a few clicks to get it running :!:
--> would be nice...
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Re: DB Update release 1.3.3 - 1.5

Post by Cipolla »

THERE's (should) NO need to need phpMyAdmin DURING UPDATES!!
Jens, i think it is time to post some "PRO OG" news.

I just updated a running testsite on a t-com server (about 10 articles, maybe 40 cp´s incl. fe-login, formular, image_special etc.) from 1.3.5 to the last r179. Here is my summary:

Step 1: Save all data incl. Database about 5 Minutes for the transfer

Step 2: Edit config files (copy&paste) deactivate "Bad behavior" again 5 Minutes

Step 3: Upload the whole stuff (i did not delete the server files because i wanted to test if this will work) (took a cup of coffee)
This could differ depending on the server settings and your ftp appliction! - in my case it is working as expected :D

Step 4: No need to change attributes :D
needs to be checked because this could also differ

Step 5: run the setup and did the sql update (1.3.5 to 1.3.9)(NO phpMyAdmin) just out of the box! (1 Minute ? - no errors!

Step 6: uploaded my changed & own templates, css (about 20 Minutes because i also changed system templates in the past :? )

Step 7: Login into backend and *tata* WORKING!

I did some tests with exisiting articles, new ones, register tabs, fe-login...seem to work without errors.

The site looks like before.

So, my recommendation:

Very very important!!! - when you start your new project try not to change system templates or the core files because in a huge site it could be a paine to check this! (i did this in the past, but i will try to avoid this in the future!)

Make a backup of your site and database. So even if something goes wrong your site will only be down for a short while since you re-install your backup.
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Rainer G
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Re: DB Update release 1.3.3 - 1.5

Post by Rainer G »

Ich versuch mich gerade im Update von 1.3.x (ich weiß es nicht mehr) auf die aktuelle r312.

Was mussich jetzt beim Upgrade der Datenbank auswählen?

--> select SQL file

Bei einige gibt es SQL-Fehler. Und wie sieht der nächste Schritt aus. Kommt dann eine Meldung "Hurra das Upgrade ist beendet"?

Und wo kann ich feststellen, welche Version installiert war (ich hab noch das Backup, aber in welcher Datei steckt die Version?) Im Changelog ist der letzte Hinweis auf 1.3.5 - aber das steht auch bei der 1.4.0 r312!!!
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Re: DB Update release 1.3.3 - 1.5

Post by flip-flop »

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Re: DB Update release 1.3.3 - 1.5

Post by Rainer G »

Okay das war jetzt schon recht hilfreich.

Obwohl ich mir doch etwas unsicher bin, ob ich alles manuell jetzt korrekt gemacht habe.

Auswirkungen konnte ich jetzt nicht erkennen.

Was sollte man denn testen, um eine gewisse Sicherheit zu haben?
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Re: DB Update release 1.3.3 - 1.5

Post by flip-flop »

Wichtig ist Punkt 05.1 Doppelte Indizes in einigen DB-Tabellen

Wenn nun noch die config abgeglichen wurde, sollte eigentlich alles klappen.

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