Hi all
the google maps module is getting updated right now.
we come eventually to the final testing phase.
some teasers for those interested
more admin sections
you can group the categories now (2 levels)
each point can now have no/one/multiple categories
frontend language translation, language is set by browser language of the user (like Google does)
Google Earth Plugin
Panoramio settings
new sidebar with tabs for category/routeplanner/search
just activate the tab, the script does all the rest for you
categories are grouped and can be toggled single or by the entire group
the map zooms to the selected points
the routeplanner link in the info window will now open a new info window within the map where you can enter the start/end address
the result is listed beneath and the route displayed within the map, you can print the list
search for text or address or points within a certain distance
it will find your points and display them on the map (hide all others)
the user can then click through the listing to see further infos in the info-window or print out the list
the search within a radius of a certain point shows the distance in the result
and maybe the coolest feature is: the categories and the search function work together.
you can first hide some categories then search for a word within the description then, if you still have to many results, hide more categories (or reactivate others) then search for another word and so on
it's gonna be cool I guess