Forum CP [v.1.0 !]
Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]
Since several attempts to get some code working and since several attempts to get some external boards (minibb etc) integrated did fail miserably I'm for now (but only for now) giving up - better get back onto my psychiatrists couch... getting myself some mind update 

It's mostly all about maintaining two or three customer's sites Still supporter for the band Mykket Morton. Visit Mykket Morton on FB. Listen Mykket Morton and live videos on youtube.
Now building a venue for young artists to get wet on stage, rehearsal rooms, a studio, a guitar shop - yes I'm going to build some guitars.
Now building a venue for young artists to get wet on stage, rehearsal rooms, a studio, a guitar shop - yes I'm going to build some guitars.
Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]
He claus,
how things are going on the couch ?
how things are going on the couch ?
Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]
hey - things are going very well again!
My psychiatrist did give me some injections (mantras to utter while at work) and there will be really great news the next days
I gave myself a push to try some new things again and:
It will be a forum - fully integrated into phpwcms with everything a forum would need (eg attachments, notifies, PMs, calendar and so on)
It will be easy to install (into db of phpwcms or its own), has its own CSS, will run under any structure level you like (or as a standalone), will be protected by phpwcms ...
Only missing yet: a bridge to the upcoming user management of phpwcms or vice versa - this will come too if somebody else more skilled than me (-->noob) will write that then...
But you and Jensensen do know (and thanks
Horray horray

PS: Of course it will need some testing then....
My psychiatrist did give me some injections (mantras to utter while at work) and there will be really great news the next days

I gave myself a push to try some new things again and:
It will be a forum - fully integrated into phpwcms with everything a forum would need (eg attachments, notifies, PMs, calendar and so on)

It will be easy to install (into db of phpwcms or its own), has its own CSS, will run under any structure level you like (or as a standalone), will be protected by phpwcms ...

Only missing yet: a bridge to the upcoming user management of phpwcms or vice versa - this will come too if somebody else more skilled than me (-->noob) will write that then...

But you and Jensensen do know (and thanks

Horray horray

PS: Of course it will need some testing then....
It's mostly all about maintaining two or three customer's sites Still supporter for the band Mykket Morton. Visit Mykket Morton on FB. Listen Mykket Morton and live videos on youtube.
Now building a venue for young artists to get wet on stage, rehearsal rooms, a studio, a guitar shop - yes I'm going to build some guitars.
Now building a venue for young artists to get wet on stage, rehearsal rooms, a studio, a guitar shop - yes I'm going to build some guitars.
Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]
wohoooclaus wrote:Only missing yet: a bridge to the upcoming user management of phpwcms or vice versa
do you hav a number of your psychiatrist for me

3 (!) Jahre warten reichen mir. Ich bin erst mal weg.
Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]
0815-4711 only after 8
It's mostly all about maintaining two or three customer's sites Still supporter for the band Mykket Morton. Visit Mykket Morton on FB. Listen Mykket Morton and live videos on youtube.
Now building a venue for young artists to get wet on stage, rehearsal rooms, a studio, a guitar shop - yes I'm going to build some guitars.
Now building a venue for young artists to get wet on stage, rehearsal rooms, a studio, a guitar shop - yes I'm going to build some guitars.
Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]
thank you 
hope it helps.

hope it helps.
3 (!) Jahre warten reichen mir. Ich bin erst mal weg.
Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]
Anscheinend gibts immer noch keine anderer Forumlösung (Son Mist). Ich habe eben gesehen, dass Phpwcms anscheinend wieder ein paar Entwicklungsschritte macht. Da ich aber erst dann bereit bin, eine neue Version zu installieren wenn es denn irgendwann mal gruppen geben möge, machts meines Erachtens kaum mehr Sinn mein Forumsgedöns auf irgendso eine alpha beta midnight gamme Version umzumünzen.
Hmm, ich wees oooch nicht. Wat nu? Das Hauptproblem mit externen Lösungen ist doch, dass sich die User zweimal registrieren müssen, dass empfinde ich als absolut katastrophal. Aus diesme Grunde hatte ich die interne Forengeshcichte ja auch wieder aktivieren wollen.
Also erstmal als Info, ich lebe noch, nur mich nerven diese ganzen zwischenversionen so sehr, dass ich lieber nur ab und zu hierherschaue um dann wenigstens mal was neues zu sehen. Und irgendwann wirds auch die Gruppen geben.
Hmm, ich wees oooch nicht. Wat nu? Das Hauptproblem mit externen Lösungen ist doch, dass sich die User zweimal registrieren müssen, dass empfinde ich als absolut katastrophal. Aus diesme Grunde hatte ich die interne Forengeshcichte ja auch wieder aktivieren wollen.
Also erstmal als Info, ich lebe noch, nur mich nerven diese ganzen zwischenversionen so sehr, dass ich lieber nur ab und zu hierherschaue um dann wenigstens mal was neues zu sehen. Und irgendwann wirds auch die Gruppen geben.
Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]
Hey phalancs,
die Idee mit den Usern des Forums als phpwcms User ist doch genial... Sicherlich können die jetzt nur Frontend User sein, aber das sollte möglich sein. Technisch sollte das jetzt schon möglich sein, da sich alles ausschließlich innerhalb phpwcms abspielt.... im Prinzip sind es wohl wieder die Kleinigkeiten an denen die Sache stecken bleibt .....
Ein OOP Forum -> kann das
, ich geh mal das Konditional aus meinen Sätzen beseitigen
die Idee mit den Usern des Forums als phpwcms User ist doch genial... Sicherlich können die jetzt nur Frontend User sein, aber das sollte möglich sein. Technisch sollte das jetzt schon möglich sein, da sich alles ausschließlich innerhalb phpwcms abspielt.... im Prinzip sind es wohl wieder die Kleinigkeiten an denen die Sache stecken bleibt .....
Ein OOP Forum -> kann das

Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]
Sill testing..claus wrote:hey - things are going very well again!
My psychiatrist did give me some injections (mantras to utter while at work) and there will be really great news the next days
I gave myself a push to try some new things again and:
It will be a forum - fully integrated into phpwcms with everything a forum would need (eg attachments, notifies, PMs, calendar and so on)
It will be easy to install (into db of phpwcms or its own), has its own CSS, will run under any structure level you like (or as a standalone), will be protected by phpwcms ...
Only missing yet: a bridge to the upcoming user management of phpwcms or vice versa - this will come too if somebody else more skilled than me (-->noob) will write that then...![]()
But you and Jensensen do know (and thanks)
Horray horray
PS: Of course it will need some testing then....
But for your info: the forum is running!
Needs some finetuning still but is coming
... and is fully integrated into phpwcms (bridging user login still missing)

It's mostly all about maintaining two or three customer's sites Still supporter for the band Mykket Morton. Visit Mykket Morton on FB. Listen Mykket Morton and live videos on youtube.
Now building a venue for young artists to get wet on stage, rehearsal rooms, a studio, a guitar shop - yes I'm going to build some guitars.
Now building a venue for young artists to get wet on stage, rehearsal rooms, a studio, a guitar shop - yes I'm going to build some guitars.
Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]
Hi claus,
please... give us a screenshot, pleeeeease
please... give us a screenshot, pleeeeease

Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]
A little update:
Attachment upload didn't want to work as expected - but now is working
Even direkt display of pictures is working now.
I will do some more testing and also some ready-to-go package testing, because path organisation is a little bit tricky, but I want an out-of-the-box experience for the installation routine
So again stay tuned
Attachment upload didn't want to work as expected - but now is working

I will do some more testing and also some ready-to-go package testing, because path organisation is a little bit tricky, but I want an out-of-the-box experience for the installation routine

So again stay tuned

It's mostly all about maintaining two or three customer's sites Still supporter for the band Mykket Morton. Visit Mykket Morton on FB. Listen Mykket Morton and live videos on youtube.
Now building a venue for young artists to get wet on stage, rehearsal rooms, a studio, a guitar shop - yes I'm going to build some guitars.
Now building a venue for young artists to get wet on stage, rehearsal rooms, a studio, a guitar shop - yes I'm going to build some guitars.
Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]
yes pleas give us a screenshot. 

(> <)
Das ist Bunny. Kopiere Bunny in deine Signatur, um ihm auf seinem Weg zur Weltherrschaft zu helfen!
(> <)
Das ist Bunny. Kopiere Bunny in deine Signatur, um ihm auf seinem Weg zur Weltherrschaft zu helfen!
Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]
OK- here is a sample of the workin
user control
To clarify: I'm not programming this - I'm adapting only

To clarify: I'm not programming this - I'm adapting only

It's mostly all about maintaining two or three customer's sites Still supporter for the band Mykket Morton. Visit Mykket Morton on FB. Listen Mykket Morton and live videos on youtube.
Now building a venue for young artists to get wet on stage, rehearsal rooms, a studio, a guitar shop - yes I'm going to build some guitars.
Now building a venue for young artists to get wet on stage, rehearsal rooms, a studio, a guitar shop - yes I'm going to build some guitars.
Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]
and another one - this time a page with postings
It's mostly all about maintaining two or three customer's sites Still supporter for the band Mykket Morton. Visit Mykket Morton on FB. Listen Mykket Morton and live videos on youtube.
Now building a venue for young artists to get wet on stage, rehearsal rooms, a studio, a guitar shop - yes I'm going to build some guitars.
Now building a venue for young artists to get wet on stage, rehearsal rooms, a studio, a guitar shop - yes I'm going to build some guitars.