CSS/List based version of NAV_TABLE_COLUMN

Post custom hacks and enhancements for phpwcms here only. Maybe some of these things will be included in official release later.
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Post by oli »

oh uh ...
your /store seems down :?
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Post by tarheit »

Hmm... I wonder what caused that, it's up now. I know we had a nasty DDOS attack this past thursday (not specifically against my site, but against another site at the same provider that was toasting their routers). I wonder if it's related.

Thanks for the heads up, I'll have to keep an eye on it. (might be why froogle has randomly dropped some of my items.)

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Post by Brutos »

is it possible to show ALL Items? not only that in the actual group?
Und für alle die Deutsch können, und falls ich mich sehr unverständlic ausgedrückt habe:
Ich will im Menü alle Elemente einblenden, nicht nur die die gerade im aktuellen Menüounkt sind. Wie bekomm ich das hin?
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Post by pepe »

Wenn du sowieso alles geichzeitig zeigen willst, benötigtsr du doch eigentlich keine strukturierte Kategorie-Organisation....

Dann würde ich unter ADMIN einfach alle Punkter unmittelbar unter der Index/Home Kategorie auflisten... dann hast du doch das Ergebnis ohne jegliche Klimmzüge!
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Post by juergen »

Moin !

Wenn du es ein wenig absetzen möchtest kannst du die wichtigen Sachen mit dem Tag kennzeichnen, sollte das noch immer nicht ausreichen, wie wäre es mit dem {GT:....} durch verschiedene Hintergründe sollte es sogar möglich sein, das Menue schillernd in allen möglichen Farben zu gestalten, und {GT:...} ist so kodiert, dass die Suchmaschinen auch damit zurecht kommen! Und wenn du updatest ... gehts noch immer :shock: :D
Die Admin Eingaben für die Struktur unterstützen alle Replacement Tags !


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Post by erodzina »

Well, the redirection isn't working yet... has any body got the working code for redirection to ??
hi from Poland,
Marcin - site owner
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Post by Brutos »

pepe wrote:Wenn du sowieso alles geichzeitig zeigen willst, benötigtsr du doch eigentlich keine strukturierte Kategorie-Organisation....

Dann würde ich unter ADMIN einfach alle Punkter unmittelbar unter der Index/Home Kategorie auflisten... dann hast du doch das Ergebnis ohne jegliche Klimmzüge!
ähh nein, ich brauch die Struktur weil ich mit css das zeug ein und ausblenden lasssen will, jetzt benutzt ich einen anderen Hack, ich brauch da also keine Lösung mehr ^^.
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Post by cyppher.nl »

Brutos wrote:Hello,
is it possible to show ALL Items? not only that in the actual group?
Und für alle die Deutsch können, und falls ich mich sehr unverständlic ausgedrückt habe:
Ich will im Menü alle Elemente einblenden, nicht nur die die gerade im aktuellen Menüounkt sind. Wie bekomm ich das hin?
I have the (maybe outdated) nav_list_all in use:


now I want to show all subitems in the menu
like this:
- level 1 item 1
- sub 1.1
- sub 1.2
- level 1 item 2
- sub 2.1
- sub 2.2
- level 1 item 3
- sub 3.1
- sub 3.2
- sub 3.3

Now the subitems are only shown in the active (current) category.

This topic has the solution to my wish:
http://www.phpwcms.de/forum/viewtopic.p ... ht=subitem

Now my menu has the ul li ul li based navigation.
How do you do? And how do you do your wife?
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Post by jsw_nz »

Has anyone figured out how to get the {NAV_LIST_ALL:X} to return the X in the output menu. I would like to create several topical menus (semantic)




each of these menus would show the category and subcategory, and behave similar to existing reptag

(right now NAV_LIST_ALL:X only shows subcategory of X

Has anyone figured out a hack -
i tried but could not locate the parameter to include
the X itself plus its children.
Hope this makes sense - any suggestions - ?
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Post by flip-flop »

[UPDATE 06/11/10]

Hi jsw_nz,

I hope it´s the right for you. The menu shows the category and subcategory. :D

Code: Select all


+ THEORY           -> {NAV_LIST_ALL_DIV1:1:0:0:1:1}
++ THEORY_sub1
++ THEORY_sub2
+++ THEORY_sub2_1
+++ THEORY_sub2_2  -> (active link)

+ PRACTICE         -> {NAV_LIST_ALL_DIV1:2:0:0:1:1}
++ PRACTICE_sub1
++ PRACTICE_sub2

+ CODE             -> {NAV_LIST_ALL_DIV1:3:0:0:1:1}
++ CODE_sub1
++ CODE_sub2
I have expanded the NAV_LIST_ALL a little bit.

It is called {NAV_LIST_ALL_DIV1:start_id:level_depth:level_move:parent_set:parent_link}
level_depth=value -> output from start_id X level deep
level_depth=0 -> output without level limitation,
e.g. level_depth= 1 limits to the first level - and so on...

level_move=1 -> If you start e.g. with an ID at
the third level, the class output normaly begins at the third level ("MenuItem-3" -4 -5 ....).
You can move the beginning level output for classes to the first level. ("MenuItem-1" -2 -3 ....)
level_move=0 -> output without any changes

parent_set=1 -> output of the parent link (Means the link with the given ID)
parent_set=0 -> no parent output (As a normal call)

(Works only, if parent_set=1)
parent_link=1 -> output of the parent link as link
parent_link=0 -> output of the parent link as text only (no link)

And some more features.
* [BR] in category title: is running well
* Each level and each active linkprocess can be formatted likewise separately
* Ascending counter for every entry at sublevel / output of the ID (for very special formatting)
* Follows the link in structure tree
<div class="MenuItem-3 MenuItem-3-1 MenuItem-3-ID7"><a href="link_31" title="link_31 text">link_31 text</a></div>
<div class="MenuItem-3 MenuItem-3-2 MenuItem-3-ID19"><a href="link_32" title="link_32 text">link_32 text</a></div>
<div class="MenuItem-3 MenuItem-3-3 MenuItem-3-ID21" id="activeSection"><a href="link_33" title="link_33 text">link_33 text</a></div>

<div class="MenuItem-4 MenuItem-4-1 MenuItem-4-ID28"><a href="link_41" title="link_41 text">link_41 text</a></div>
<div class="MenuItem-4 MenuItem-4-2 MenuItem-4-ID29" id="activeLink"><a href="link_42" title="link_43 text">link_42 text</a></div>
<div class="MenuItem-4 MenuItem-4-3 MenuItem-4-ID32"><a href="link_43" title="link_43 text">link_43 text</a></div>

e.g. parent output
parent_set =yes - parent_link =yes (This is ever MenuItem-0)
<div class="MenuItem-0 MenuItem-0-ID30" id="activeSection"><a href="link" title="link text">link text</a></div>

parent_set =yes - parent_link =no (This is ever MenuItem-0)
<div class="MenuItem-0 MenuItem-0-ID30">link text</div>

Please study the page and the php file and you will see.

Have a look at

Code: Select all

www .mz.ja-nek .de/test2_3_11.phtml

regards Knut
Last edited by flip-flop on Sat 11. Nov 2006, 15:10, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by jsw_nz »

wow - excellent Knut

I just downloaded an installed - and it works exactly like you discussed - allowing one to basically create multiple menus on a given page - so a really big thanks - allows for greater flexibility and organization of site contents!

Will now tackle customising the css

:D :D
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Post by flip-flop »

I hope, the next CMS release 1.2.9 will have a similar function in NAV_LIST_UL. :idea:

Regards Knut
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Post by jsw_nz »

BTW - Just a quick question - from a search engine - 'purist point of view' - would lists..... NAV_LIST_UL be a preferred method over DIVS.... NAV_LIST_ALL_DIV1 in handling the menu - I have no problem using css DIVS, bit just thinking about optimal standards compliance and SEO issues... you thoughts?

and again thanks for the code
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Post by flip-flop »

I think, there is no difference between an <ul><li> and <div> Navigation for SE.
I have a site running with the old <table> based layout and navigation.
This site I find at the first non payed entry. "paneeldecken"
Searching for "aluminium paneeldecken" the entry is at the 5th non payed postion.
An other (statically) site from me I find at the 6th non payed position for this important search word.

My conclusion from this is, there are no difference between UL LI or DIV or table with JS.
The first site is a large one with many content.
The second has an powerfull link from an local business portal.

This hype for content first, max 10 keywords, navi second and ul li - I don´t understand.
Other sites I have made with optimized keywords for every side and content first and navi ul li and ........ don´t come up at google. They left a powerfull link or content.

The best solution is content and a powerfull link.

Thats it for me.

NAV_LIST_ALL_DIV1: Please have a look to the post before. Ther is an UPDATE.
Now there are two new switches, level_depth and level_move.
You can specify the depth of the relativ level and second the class output from e.g. MenuItem-3 -4 -5 to MenuItem-1 -2 -3.
A little doc and download you will find on my test site.

Regards Knut
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Post by spielplan »

Hallo zusammen,

ich weis, der Thread ist in englisch, aber mein englisch reicht dafür leider nicht aus. Daher in de...

Nachdem ja NAV_TABLE_COLUMN nicht richtig mit der 1.3.3 und FE-Login funktioniert habe ich etwas gestöbert und diesen Thread gefunden.

Ich habe mir also die Zip-datei heruntergeladen und das Script installiert.
Funktioniert soweit auch.
Nur leider werden die Menüpunkte, welche als "sichtbar nur für angemeldete Benutzer" markiert sind nicht angezeigt, obwohl ein Benutzer angemeldet ist.

Kann mir da jemand weiterhelfen?

Viele Grüße!
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