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Perl integration

Posted: Mon 23. Feb 2004, 14:08
by cet

I have a perl script :oops: running on my server that needs to be integrated with the cms. Does anyone have some hints on how to handle that?

perl integration

Posted: Mon 23. Feb 2004, 17:09
by ionrock
What does the perl script do? you can include a php file which could simply call up the perl script. That would be an easy way to implement it if you are just looking for a quick and easy kind of integration. If you wanted to add something more robust then you could probably add it as a module (/include/inc_module/ for an example) or something else depending on the purpose. A little more info would help us help you ;)

Posted: Wed 25. Feb 2004, 07:50
by cet
The script has two functions. It is a whois script and also a domain order system. I am sorry that I can not poste the code, because it is not under GPL, but you can find it here:

As it interacts a lot with the user, it would be better to integrate it as a module, if it is possible.

Posted: Wed 25. Feb 2004, 08:26
by cguenther
Is it needed to implement the old perl-script ?

I know, that there are also PHP-scripts for checking whois. And a domainordering should be also no problem.

Posted: Wed 25. Feb 2004, 09:56
by cet
It is not absolutely needed to use this script, but it integrates both - whois and ordering. I know that there are several whois scripts written in PHP, but I did not find one which contains all neccessary features.

Posted: Wed 25. Feb 2004, 10:01
by cguenther
so ok .. can you give me a hint, how it should work?

I saw on your page, that you are having at mom one form your getting all the customer data and there is included the "Zieldomain".

It would be possible to include also whois and ordering in one php-script. One thing more to know, how your ordering-system is working. DB-based or just with sending emails to you.

Posted: Wed 25. Feb 2004, 17:31
by ionrock
I would need to know a little more about the perl script as well and since they used a bunch of images for text (ugh) I couldn't get a good idea of how it all works.

In any sense I would just {PHP:myphpfile.php} with a page there that works how they say the script should work (ie Use whatever scripts they tell you to use). You should be able to submit back to the same page or cgi script easily enough ($_REQUEST['URI'] I think is one method for submitting to the same page when you don't know what the url will be for sure). I would be happy to help so if you get a page going that works with the script you can send post it and we can try and get it integrated. I hope this helps and please keep track of what you do so you can possibly write about it later to help others.