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subnavigation dissapears....

Posted: Tue 24. Jan 2006, 17:22
by noodleboy
does anybody have an idea how to create a sub-nav menu that doesnt dissapear after clicking on it? also, it should be horizontal
please, please help me!!

Posted: Tue 24. Jan 2006, 17:41
by flip-flop
Hi noodleboy,

don't double post please.
I can´t understand your problem. We need a little bit more information.

Gruß Knut

Posted: Tue 24. Jan 2006, 17:54
by noodleboy
ok, here is the problem:

i have a subnavigation {NAV_ROW:CURRENT:1}
but everytime i click on one of the links and come to the page, the {NAV_ROW:CURRENT:1} menu dissapears so that i can not reach other menu-points from this point but have to click the back button in order to see the rest of the sub menu again....
check this page ... ,0,0,1,0,0

Posted: Tue 24. Jan 2006, 18:46
by flip-flop
I believe you haven´t understand the Navi-System.
{NAV_ROW:CURRENT:1} works only at one level.
The docu says: "Horizontales Menü zur Abbildung der untergeordneten Menüebene, beginnend bei der aktuellen Seite."

You need an other Navi-System like e.g. NAV_LIST_SETLEVEL.
This RT is working levelbased insted of ID-based.
Take a look:

At this Site the whole navi is using the NAV_LIST_SETLEVEL -Tag. ... 1_02.phtml

This site is made by NAV_LIST_SETLEVEL at the horizontal part:

This RT is very interesting:

Gruß Knut

navi system

Posted: Wed 25. Jan 2006, 09:39
by noodleboy
well, i think the navi system description was a bit unclear so i don't think i have totally not understood a word but anyway...:)
thanks fo the link unfortunately, the file to download is not available so im stuck where i was, but the navi list setlevel sounds good for me. do you have the zip file? i try to contact the guy who posted it and ask hom to send it to me..

Posted: Wed 25. Jan 2006, 09:56
by flip-flop
please tell me your eMail-Address via PM.

Gruß Knut