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Posted: Thu 19. Jan 2006, 01:54
by buddha
Posted: Thu 19. Jan 2006, 07:19
by trip
looks good, why dont u centre the site (FF)
I would also suggest editing the menu and adding a new image to fit in with your site...
Posted: Thu 19. Jan 2006, 09:26
by DeXXus
Far right boxes break (top & right) in "undesirable" fashion, when increasing text size in FF -or- using IE ignore font sizes
Thx verry much for feedback
Posted: Thu 19. Jan 2006, 09:33
by buddha
Thx verry much for feedback, do you have a solution for the problem with the boxes ?
/ M
Posted: Thu 19. Jan 2006, 10:25
by DeXXus
I'm sorry I don't have time to look much, but a ~quick~ experiment shows top box fix can be accomplished with
changing some of these:
Code: Select all
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%">
to these:
Code: Select all
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=330>
The form and such has a <TABLE> tag that doesn't have any width setting ?? Try to be more explicit and consistent with special attention to that area (the whole form area). Work with just the code from it and experiment with the "text-size" thing. Good luck!!
BTW, this site suffers a bit, too:
Posted: Thu 19. Jan 2006, 10:28
by buddha
U the man !! Super thx !