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copy exisiting site
Posted: Tue 17. Jan 2006, 23:27
by sarcasticdave
I have a site which I need to make an exact copy of.
It has 200 pages and I don't fancy typing them all out again.
Where are the artilces stored? and how do I copy them?
I tried using the restore/backup but my version of phpMyAdmin is 2.6.4-pl2
Any ideas? Willing to pay.
Posted: Wed 18. Jan 2006, 00:05
by flip-flop
Hi sarcasticdave,
please don´t make double posts.
The complete site are stored at the database.
1. Make a copy of all files and directories.
2. Move them to the new dir or webspace.
3. Setup the correct permissons for certain files and folders. (
4. Edit the config/phpwcms/, conf.template_default.php and (if using) the .htaccess.
5. If you are using new webspace: Make an export of your database via phphMyAdmin -> import your db via phphMyAdmin to the new database.
Thats all.
Gruß Knut
Posted: Thu 19. Jan 2006, 01:14
by sarcasticdave
thanks for the reply. Sorry about 2 posts.
How do I import/export the database.
The instructions on the douc site are different to the version I use.
Posted: Mon 23. Jan 2006, 01:47
by sarcasticdave
how do I import the database ? I can't see any sort of copy function.
Posted: Mon 23. Jan 2006, 02:52
by DeXXus
If you choose the query window... the tab is named Import files.
If you click on the database view, the SQL tab has the same prompt "Or Location of the textfile :"