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Expired articles visible

Posted: Mon 9. Jan 2006, 18:36
by ronnyn
I have made a RT {XPIRED:integer:article id} ($sql .= "article_deleted=0 AND article_begin < NOW() AND article_end < NOW() ";) to list all expired article sorted by date. Is it possible to show an expired article, i.e. make a link to an expired article!
Are there any chance to use any of the 3 unused parameters in index.php?id=x,y,0,0,1,0?
Please help an old man from the era of Algol.

Posted: Mon 9. Jan 2006, 19:06
by Kosse
Hi ronnyn,

The parameters are all in use, except the last one, look here:

It's a nice way to automatically archive articles, what I do usually is cut/past them in an archive directory (less elegant but works) ;)
