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User Group / Beutzergruppe

Posted: Sun 8. Jan 2006, 14:41
by covi
:?: From the beginner

First, this is a great CMS! Thanks to all the cracks involved.

As a beginner i am not sure if this might be called a bug, but if i want to create user groups in the backend, just very little happens. I get a link ( anchor ) kind of
and thats it, nothing happens thereafter.

Als Neuling in dieser Sache bin ich mir nicht sicher über einen "bug" gestolpert zu sein. Wenn ich versuche eine Benutzergruppe anzulegen wird ein Link ( anker )
angesteuert, aber es passiert nichts weiter.

I am using/ ich benutze:
on a providers site / direkt online (FTP)bei einem "grossen" Provider

Wenns kein bug ist, naja dann :oops:

Vielen Dank für Eure Bemühungen

Posted: Sun 8. Jan 2006, 15:53
by Kosse
Hi covi,

first, welcome to phpwcms forum, hope you'll enjoy it!
the functionality group users isn't finished yet, OG is working on it, it's a feature he created but isn't fully implemented, and... only he knows when it will be ... :? But we all hope it's coming ;)


Posted: Sun 8. Jan 2006, 16:01
by covi
:D Kosse, thanks.

I guess you will see me more often in the forums ;-)

I'm impressed about this CMS, i have been looking some time for something like this, great stuff.

We will wait for O.G. :-) , same for the login control.

If I can offer help in translating, be my guest..... Code, i am sorry, its been to long ago :roll:
