Page 1 of 2 - luxury log cabin rentals
Posted: Thu 29. Dec 2005, 19:47
by Ben
We just went live for a luxury log cabin rental company in North Carolina, US. The website is
Posted: Fri 30. Dec 2005, 07:34
by rushclub
extremly nice. i am deep impressed.
Posted: Fri 30. Dec 2005, 07:37
by rushclub
how did you do the reservation thing? with ionrock calendar or a different solution?
Posted: Fri 30. Dec 2005, 19:15
by Ben
Thanks for the complements, rushclub. The 'calendar of rates' is simply an html table - no system used for it. The 'cabin rates' is pulling the data from external pages in phpwcms. For instance, the first row of rates on this page is also being referenced on this page They both [include] this page ... 54,0,0,1,0. That way, my client only has to update the cabin rates once and it cascades to the corresponding cabin detail pages as well as the master rate sheet.
Posted: Fri 30. Dec 2005, 20:07
by juergen
Thanks Ben, I just wondered how you did rewriting only parts of the site ... no new mod
Posted: Fri 30. Dec 2005, 21:35
by kubens
Hi Ben,
this site looks very nice. One of main reasons therefore is the perfect integration of wonderful images
Durring my last
project I was confrontated with similar requirements. One of the main problems was to give the customer an easy solution to update season tables and price tables. Therefore I integrated an Excel interface which enables the customer to update these information by an simple Excel upload which was realized with the
Excel Parser.
Posted: Sat 31. Dec 2005, 16:47
by hokah
your site is really grat.
I wonder if you have done and how if so, forms for adding new cabins.
Posted: Mon 2. Jan 2006, 17:42
by Ben
@DF6IH - No modding on the re-write. Basically, each page has a series of numbers that will reference it in addition to an alias, if one is assigned to the page.
@kubens - Glad you like the integration of photos. Sounds like you found an interesting solution with the Excel Parser. Maybe you should post what you did in "Hacks & Enhancements"
@hokah - Thanks for the complement! The 'cabin-detail' template contains 9 custom template areas:
THUMBNAIL, SUMMARY and ICONS - These three are in the top section PRICING and HIGHLIGHTS - These go on the 'overview' tab
PHOTOS_EXTERIOR - Goes on the exterior tab
PHOTOS_INTERIOR - Goes on the interior tab
DETAILS_LEFT and DETAILS_RIGHT - The 2 columns on the details tab
Posted: Tue 3. Jan 2006, 08:43
by trip
great site
did you use a table for this page??
how do you update it?
Posted: Tue 3. Jan 2006, 15:35
by Ben
Yes, trip - it's a standard html table, so you can easily update it in the built in wysiwyg editors. I used the script from the following page to turn the table into a javascript sortable array -
Posted: Wed 4. Jan 2006, 08:01
by trip
thanks Ben
looks like an interesting priece of code
Posted: Tue 10. Jan 2006, 19:04
by StudioZ
Very impressive work and design Ben
Very talented Ben
Keep it up !!!
Posted: Sat 4. Feb 2006, 20:10
by hokah
Ben, could you please tell me how could i make such template ??
Im doing similar rentals for my sister, she wants to rent homes on sicily for hollidays and she was amazed about your's cabins listings.
Posted: Sat 18. Feb 2006, 04:24
by 1996 328ti
You make it look so simple.
So nicely done.
Posted: Sat 18. Feb 2006, 16:27
by fellchen
Hi Ben,
I miss something ... meta tags!?
Code: Select all
<meta name="author" content="...">
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow"> or use noindex, nofollow
<meta name="copyright" content="...">
<meta name="keywords" content="...">
<meta name="description" content="...">
keywords and description tag:
Keywords could you setup in article creation process and the description could you setup in page creation process. Individual for every page.
In the source:
Code: Select all
<meta name="generator" content="phpwcms v1.2.3-DEV">
You need an update!?