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Newsletter verification problem

Posted: Wed 21. Dec 2005, 18:33
by kac
One problem is that the subscriber doesn't always get a email for the verification.

Another problem is that subscibers are getting "Error while verify or deletion process.If you should not redirected within 10 seconds click here." when they are attempting to verify their address. I can see in the admin section that they requested to get the newsletter, but it shows that they haven't verified the subscription yet.

Any ideas

This is happening on phpwcms v1.2.5-DEV

Posted: Wed 21. Dec 2005, 18:49
by kac
I've been playing around with the link that's sent for the verify process and it looks like if I remove the equals sign " = " at the end of the encrypted text example: verify.php?i=VjpwRHdReGxLaElGU1VuWEM0OmFkbWluQGNsb3Zpc29ubGluZS5jb20=

the subsciption is verified without any problems
Just thought I'd mention that, now on to see if I can make sure that it won't show up again. If anybody knows where this code is generated it might save me some time... :)

Posted: Wed 21. Dec 2005, 20:40
by DeXXus
kac wrote:If anybody knows where this code is generated it might save me some time... :)

Code: Select all

	$v_link = $site_url_link."verify.php?i=".base64_encode("V:".$refkey.":".$email);
	$d_link = $site_url_link."verify.php?i=".base64_encode("D:".$refkey.":".$email);

Code: Select all

$content["newsletter"]["verify_link"] = PHPWCMS_URL."verify.php?i=".base64_encode("V:".$content["newsletter"]["reffering_key"].":".$content["newsletter"]["email_address"]);
		$content["newsletter"]["delete_link"] = PHPWCMS_URL."verify.php?i=".base64_encode("D:".$content["newsletter"]["reffering_key"].":".$content["newsletter"]["email_address"]);
Looks like the "=" sign(s) may be padding ?? for base64 operations ?

Posted: Thu 22. Dec 2005, 16:52
by kac
Looks like the "=" sign(s) may be padding ?? for base64 operations ?
I think you're right. It seems to have fixed that problem.



Posted: Thu 22. Dec 2005, 18:35
by kac
Looks like I spoke too soon, it's back. Sometimes the confirmation link is fine (without the "=") and sometimes it has either one or two ("=" "==") at the end of the link.

Earlier today I couldn't get the submit button to take a subscription... ie., it would just refresh the form everytime the submit was clicked or the return/enter key was used. Used different browsers, created a new cat and article, but no luck. Now it's working fine and I haven't had any problem for a couple of hours. Last night every confirmation e-mail was fine, now most are not. I didn't do anything to the scripts, infact I've reloaded the originals (with the patch)

Is anyone else having any problems close to these or have any suggestions on a possible cause?



Posted: Thu 22. Dec 2005, 19:51
by DeXXus
Just as an "experiment"... you could try stripping them off. Maybe something like:

Code: Select all

$v_link = $site_url_link."verify.php?i=".base64_encode("V:".$refkey.":".$email);
$d_link = $site_url_link."verify.php?i=".base64_encode("D:".$refkey.":".$email);

while (substr( $v_link, -1 ) == '=') { //Look for "=" at end of verify link strings
	$v_link = substr( $v_link, 0, -1 ); //Strip "=" padding from end of $v_link string
	$d_link = substr( $d_link, 0, -1 ); //Strip "=" padding from end of $d_link string

Posted: Thu 22. Dec 2005, 23:15
by kac

Thanks, it didn't work... but I was thinking that possibly it was something to do with characters being converted by my mail client so I decided to check through web mail. I got the verification letter with the code and the "==" was at the end of the link like before, but this time it wasn't included in the link.

So there is a conflict going on somewhere with my client and the coding... I figure this problem is solved with a small note in the verification letter.

Now tofigure out why the form sometimes just resets itself instead of sending the request. :?

Thanks again,