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navigation menu problem

Posted: Mon 19. Dec 2005, 15:02
by SNap

i want a navigation like this:

2005: Project A, Project B, Project C....
2004: Project D, Projekt E
2003: Projekt G
2002: Project H, Project J

the year should not be clickable ;) each Project has an own article...

what would be the best way to do that?


Posted: Tue 20. Dec 2005, 12:01
by odeniyi
wow - I'm not an expert but this looks like a 2-d nav.

however, i do wonder if your proposal is the best way to display the menu? it would seem a bit unwieldy to me.

why not separate out into different levels - eg.

2005 Projects
Project A
Project B
2004 Projects
2003 Projects

May be better still to include the projects in a table rather than menu?