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Posted: Sun 18. Dec 2005, 23:24
by situs

Posted: Mon 19. Dec 2005, 22:36
by Miss_DJ
Nice site. I would prefer larger font. My eyes are not perfect. What does your css code look like for the navigation table?

I want to change the colors of my nav table, and give it a simpler design like yours.

Posted: Mon 19. Dec 2005, 22:49
by situs

just change the values in the file.

Posted: Mon 19. Dec 2005, 22:54
by Miss_DJ
I will try it, thank you.

Posted: Tue 3. Jan 2006, 19:48
by nimd4
hola situs, that's some bombazz site :D what flash gallery is that if you don't mind sharing please? :O I'd love to have that on the site I'm building ..

Posted: Tue 3. Jan 2006, 20:02
by Ben
It's probably this -