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problem RT {NEW:x}

Posted: Mon 28. Nov 2005, 18:10
by tobiTOBSEN
the new articles in category "Neuigkeiten" should be shown
in the left grey container, but only the category is displayed,
not the articles of this category.

Is there any ability to show only the new articles of this category(date/headline)?
I tried {NEW:x:ID}, too but it doesn´t work :(


Posted: Mon 28. Nov 2005, 18:22
by Kosse
Hi tobiTOBSEN,

should work, I use

but often get confused with the first and second number
first (X) shows number of articles you want to display
second (Y) shows category, in your case would be:

{NEW:5:31} if u want to show 5 articles
{NEW:10:31} if u want to show 10 articles.

btw, nice design you have, like it ;)

Good luck

Posted: Mon 28. Nov 2005, 18:33
by tobiTOBSEN
hmm i already set it to {NEW:5:31},
but i don´t wanna have the text "28.11.
NEUIGKEITEN" but the "date and Blabla" (article - simple text)

Posted: Mon 28. Nov 2005, 18:48
by Kosse
check in admin section if structure

top article count:
is -1 ?

set it to (ex.) 999

Then put more articles, normally they should appear.


Posted: Tue 29. Nov 2005, 14:58
by tobiTOBSEN
[ solved ] i mixed article with contentparts up... my fault, but thx for help :D

this community rocks :)