wcms on strato servers -some errors/ htaccess/rewrite

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wcms on strato servers -some errors/ htaccess/rewrite

Post by cyrano »

Hi to all who uses strato as provider.

I transfered a wcms site from allinkl to strato and now got some errors i didn't find out where to dig or why they appears.

so first one is how to set / configure the .htaccess file when using on a strato server?
when i just copied it into subdirectory pages will not appear, also not when moving the .htaccess file in root of ftp directory.

any ideas or hints?

second one:
I use the random images function and get this error on a few pages:

Code: Select all

Warning: mt_rand(): Invalid range: 0..0 in /xxx/xx/xx/xxx/xxx/htdocs/cms/include/inc_front/front.func.inc.php on line 1791
[SOLVED] solved by putting more than one imag in folder.

when someone is using strato too would be great to post a solution or how it is installed on your server.

So just the rewrite problem exists...

Thank you for helping.
Gruß/ regards cyrano
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e aus o
Posts: 50
Joined: Mon 29. Dec 2003, 00:30

Post by e aus o »


frag erst mal bei Strato nach, ob .htaccess überhaupt unterstützt wird. Kenne mich bei Strato nicht aus, weiß aber, dass das nicht jeder zulässt.
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