Page 1 of 1 - real estate project

Posted: Wed 26. Oct 2005, 11:25
by anc

Unfortunately only in estonian, for help - u can find houses from page

Best regards,

Posted: Wed 26. Oct 2005, 11:57
by Kosse
Hi anc,

very nice and simple design, nice flash intro, clean page and site with a lot of content, you achieved to put it all together smoothly!
And the little mov's are really cool, 3D and all, nice.
I like what u did, congratulations!


Posted: Wed 26. Oct 2005, 16:18
by d-lexy
Ilus leheke. phpwcms on suurepärane cms selliste proektide jaoks

Posted: Wed 26. Oct 2005, 19:47
by vello
Very good work.

[EST] Väga muljetavaldav, eriti hea on kaardil asukoha näitamine. Soe ja sõbralik üldmulje. Olen ise ka paar kinnisvaraprojekti lehte teinud, arvan et siin võiks 9 punkti anda (1 punkt juurde kui "top" link lisada mõnda kohta kus palju üles kerida tuleb ja arenduse etappidel kruntide müügitabeli link ära parandada)[/EST]

Posted: Thu 27. Oct 2005, 04:59
by StudioZ
Congrats Anc! 8)
Straight to the goal :)