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when i click edit article i get a blank page

Posted: Tue 17. Feb 2004, 18:55
by rushclub
hi there,

i am new to phpwcms and have installed it under osx. i am runnin safari is my default browser. now when i insert a new article i get a white page after submit. i still can see the navigation but the content part is empty. what i am doin wrong?

thanks for help :)

Posted: Tue 17. Feb 2004, 19:02
by Oliver Georgi
Maybe check your path settings. This is often the problem.


Posted: Tue 17. Feb 2004, 19:14
by rushclub
that was it. i ahve replaced http://powerbook.local/ with and now it works :))


Posted: Tue 17. Feb 2004, 19:42
by Oliver Georgi
you can also use "http://localhost/"


Posted: Wed 25. Feb 2004, 18:52
by Syrsa
Oliver Georgi wrote:you can also use "http://localhost/"

Tried it (changed the value of $phpwcms["site"] to http://localhost/ in the file include/inc_conf/ but the result is still the same.
Are there any other paths that coudl be troublesome? I use all the default values and everything except editing articles seems to work.

Posted: Wed 25. Feb 2004, 19:23
by schmidti83
Check your PHP Settings:
save_mode On or Off?

check with info.php in phpwcms

Posted: Thu 26. Feb 2004, 10:15
by Syrsa
schmidti83 wrote:Check your PHP Settings:
save_mode On or Off?
Thanks for the tip. However, I've tried both safe_mode =on and safe_mode=off. Same result.
The thing is, the previous release of phpwcms still works. It is only the latest release that is not functioning.

Posted: Thu 26. Feb 2004, 10:39
by pSouper
I think you should try setting the server_root within to your physical drive path...

Code: Select all

define ("PHPWCMS_ROOT", "D:\wwwroot".(($phpwcms["root"]) ? "/".$phpwcms["root"] : "") );   // DOCUMENT_ROOT + phpwcms directory
that fixed it for me.
I also had an additional but simmiler problem where I just commented out the the loading of SPAW from inc_tmpl/
(inly until i try and work out why any code below this point is not read: more than likely a syntax error )

Code: Select all

				//load spaw editor
		case 4: include(PHPWCMS_ROOT."/include/inc_ext/spaw/spaw_control.class.php") ;
				$sw = new SPAW_Wysiwyg( 'article_summary',

Posted: Thu 26. Feb 2004, 11:08
by Oliver Georgi
No No No - never change the doc root hardcoded anywhere else than in

If you think this is your problem add in

$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = "mypath". AND never use the backslash \ for paths on Windows. PHP works very well with "/" like: "C:/mypath"...


Posted: Thu 26. Feb 2004, 11:22
by pSouper
:cry: don't tell me to 'not change the' Oliver - this is my standard reply, my 'catchphrase', my only friend,
I was thingking of using it as my signature.

Posted: Thu 26. Feb 2004, 11:30
by Syrsa
Got it!

I went through my old installation and compared with the new fresh one. It turned out that I had to do the following changes:

in include/inc_lib/
1. Change the real path to use the physical path instead of using the $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] :

Code: Select all

define ("PHPWCMS_ROOT", preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']).(($phpwcms["root"]) ? "/".$phpwcms["root"] : "") );   // DOCUMENT_ROOT + phpwcms directory

Code: Select all

define ("PHPWCMS_ROOT", preg_replace('/\/$/', '', "/Users/my_username/Sites/phpwcms").(($phpwcms["root"]) ? "/".$phpwcms["root"] : "") );   // DOCUMENT_ROOT + phpwcms directory
in include/inc_conf/
2. Change the site variable from

Code: Select all

$phpwcms["site"]              = "http://localhost/";

Code: Select all

$phpwcms["site"]   = "http://mypowerbook.local/~my_username/phpwcms/";
3. Change the root from

Code: Select all

$phpwcms["root"]         		= "~my_username/phpwcms";

Code: Select all

$phpwcms["root"]         		= "";       
Now I can finally edit my articles!

Posted: Thu 26. Feb 2004, 11:35
by Syrsa
Oliver Georgi wrote:No No No - never change the doc root hardcoded anywhere else than in

If you think this is your problem add in

$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = "mypath". AND never use the backslash \ for paths on Windows. PHP works very well with "/" like: "C:/mypath"...

I agree Oliver, I don't like to fiddle with the config files unless I am forced to. Your suggested work-around above works fine for me at least. It is however a bit worrying that $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is not working. Maybe this is the case in all standard installatations of Apache on Mac OS X?

Posted: Thu 26. Feb 2004, 11:40
by pSouper
my faith in my catchphrase is restored ;)
I shall however amend this to defining the server root with inc.config.php
(I think this sound funnier too :lol: )

Posted: Thu 4. Mar 2004, 15:26
by cmslover
I installed fresh ver.02-20-04 and the patch, I like the new Spaw editor very much as it allows me to upload image directly from my computer, plus I can freely scale image and design layout. Now my problem is just like so many other users that is when I click edit article it's just blank, empty as if nothing there. I 've been searching all over the forum, follow all posts and tried all suggesstion but none of them work with mine.

I even replaced the inc-tmpl/ from the older version file , chose 1 or 2 in wysiwyg line but no matter what the spaw editor is still there , uneditable.

It's really frustrated.

Beside going back installing the older version, do you have any idea?

My system: FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE #0: server: Apache/1.3.29 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.8.16 OpenSSL/0.9.7c FrontPage/ PHP/4.3.4 mod_throttle/3.1.2
php: v4.3.4
Browse: IE 6.0.260

P.S I'm sorry for keeping posting the same question. I like phpwcm, I really want to make it to work. Thank you all!

Posted: Thu 4. Mar 2004, 23:25
by pSouper
hi cmslover,
I hardcode the path to directly in my like so....

Code: Select all

define ("PHPWCMS_ROOT","d:\myWebRootFolder/".$phpwcms["root"]) ;
directly after the line..

Code: Select all

$phpwcms["root"]         		= "myPHPwcmsFolder";         //default: ""
this stops that exact same problem for me (as you can see from my signature line, my setup IS very different to you though. not to self: always give yourself an out when offering advice ;) )

--edit-- oops, I've just ead a few lines back and realised that I have just reworded the exact same advice :oops: