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Simple Blog Module + Reptag [Work In Progress]

Posted: Wed 28. Sep 2005, 14:41
by shiny
Hello everyone,

I hope this is the right place to post Work-in-progress modules - I'm new around here so feel free to move it somewhere more appropriate if it isn't.

As I mentioned in another thread, I'm working on a simple Blogging Module plus a RepTag which provides some blogging functionality. It'll never compete with MovableType/WordPress et al, but it's not meant to.

I'm not intending to tread on any toes or anything, so if a similar Mod exists that's passed me by, let me know!

The plan is to support all these things:

- Multiple Blogs [Done]
- Add / Edit / Delete Blogs [Done]
- List / Add / Edit / Delete Entries [Done]
- Per-Blog Preferences
- Use of {BLOG:Blogname} Reptag in frontend [Done]
- Customisable styles [80%]
- Multiple entry categories
- RSS feed support

- Comments and Permalinks

I'm hoping to add user-ownership to blogs, though I'm not quite sure that that's possible with the current user-management tools that Phpwcms has.

I don't envisage doing Trackbacks or Pings or anything too complex.

Some screenshots -



Frontend, using {BLOG:Test Blog} in a content part [displays last 6 items at the moment], and using Jerome's GT Plugin to display the titles:


The code is currently in a pre-alpha staus, in that it works in a very basic fashion, but has lots of loose ends that need tidying up and features still left to be implemented. I hope to be developing it more over the coming weeks.

Any comments or suggestions appreciated, and thanks to OG for providing such a wonderful CMS system in the first place!

Posted: Wed 28. Sep 2005, 19:54
by Audax
Sounds cool. I'm sorry for not having the knowledge to help you with this, so i guess my job is to wait a few weeks and give you a great cheer!

Posted: Wed 9. Nov 2005, 11:30
by JensZ
Nice work shiny!

I'm looking forward to the final release. Is it possible to share what you currently have? Maybe there's something I can do to help? I think it's ok to release alpha code, I do it all the time. A blog would be a very nice enhancement to phpwcms.



Posted: Wed 9. Nov 2005, 13:21
by Fulvio Romanin
blog! blog! blog! w00t w00t!!! :D

can't wait to use it!
(all the people in the forum sing: "we want the pre-alpha! we want the pre-alpha!")

Pple are singing!

Posted: Wed 9. Nov 2005, 15:04
by Kosse


Posted: Wed 9. Nov 2005, 15:12
by Ben
Ha Ha Ha ... that's hilarious, Kosse! It would be very cool to have a nice blog mod for phpwcms.

Posted: Wed 9. Nov 2005, 15:27
by JensZ
So that's what you look like, Kosse??!! ;)

Posted: Wed 9. Nov 2005, 15:35
by jscholtysik
Hi Kosse,

is phpwcms really that exhausting... ;-)

Posted: Wed 9. Nov 2005, 16:45
by Kosse
Meanwhile, at the other side...

(Some fan send me the picture)
Press comment: The crowd roars during interpretation of his newest hit
"Pre-alpha pre-alpha"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Wed 9. Nov 2005, 16:49
by jscholtysik

we are all your fans... 8)


Posted: Sun 13. Nov 2005, 15:02
by shiny
...don't forget the latest version is in use on so you can see what it does! :)

More updates soon. I'm having a day off [spent the last week solid finishing a magazine] but I expect to resume development tomorrow. Also continuing to look into a good frontend-user system for Phpwcms - any recommendations, anyone? [/img]

Posted: Sun 13. Nov 2005, 16:03
by jscholtysik
Hi shiny,

I would wait for the frontend-user system by OG, he continued working on that in the latest CVS-version 1.2.6, available at Pappnase's website:... :wink:




Posted: Mon 14. Nov 2005, 08:51
by Kosse
shiny wrote: ...don't forget the latest version is in use on so you can see what it does! :)

More updates soon. I'm having a day off [spent the last week solid finishing a magazine] but I expect to resume development tomorrow.
:D :D :D
Thx shiny, great answer btw!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

You'll post it there?:


Posted: Mon 14. Nov 2005, 12:45
by shiny
Kosse wrote: :D :D :D
Thx shiny, great answer btw!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks - I do try to have a sense of humour :) I doubt it will reach the stadium-appreciation heights of your Pre-Alpha song, mind you...
Kosse wrote: You'll post it there?:
I will indeed, yes! :)

Posted: Mon 14. Nov 2005, 23:09
by shiny
Hi everyone - just another quick update for you, as I've been working on the blog module again today:

- Blog ownership works, users can own their own/multiple blogs and other blogs are protected from non-owners trying to add/edit/delete their entries
- Created a backend-user hack that replaces the normal backend-user view with a simple "My Blogs" view [useful in my scenario - probably of limited use to other people]
- Comments working, including URL links and tag stripping, plus permalinks sorted as well.
- Preliminary RSS capability using an adapted script I wrote ages ago - would people find this useful, and should I tidy it up?

There's plenty still to do, but it's getting there :)

Oh, and I should mention about releasing the code:

Yes, I shall release a version of this soon. What I want to do first is tie up all the features that I have working so that there are no bugs left, and also tidy up the code and make some nice install notes. I don't want to go breaking anyone's websites!