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News Flash Content Type [Updated 2.0.4]

Posted: Thu 15. Sep 2005, 15:17
by JensZ
Hi all,

New update of the newsflash content part available: v2.0.4.

It can be used to display article listings in any block and even inside other articles.

The code can be downloaded from:

Here's the readme file:

Code: Select all

Latest changes
2005-09-15   Jens Zetterström   Version 1.0.0
* Initial write
2005-10-11   Jens Zetterström   Version 1.0.1
* Fixed issue where articles was sorted incorrectly.
* Fixed so it also works for default article template.
2005-12-15   Jens Zetterström   Version 2.0.0
* Now possible to select whole 
  categories with articles to be listed. 
* Includes new reptag {NEWSFLASH}
* This is a new content type (#90). The reason is that
  the enhancements would cause your old newsflash content
  parts to stop working.
2006-01-04   Jens Zetterström   Version 2.0.1
* Possible to select template as specified in the article 
  (i.e no overriding template).
2006-09-15   Jens Zetterström   Version 2.0.2
* Patched for 1.2.8.
* Added setting for maximum articles to be shown. Leave empty for all.
2007-04-20   Jens Zetterström   Version 2.0.3
* Sorting of articles by creation date, title, modified date, etc.
* Fixed broken RT
2007-05-30   Jens Zetterström   Version 2.0.4
* Paging of article list
* Max number of words in summary

I found the need to be able to display article listings
in any block of my PHPWCMS website. I decided to enhance
the article list content part slightly so that it used the
article list templates to display the selected articles.
In conjunction with Content Part Alias or my {SHOW_CONTENT}- 
replacement tag, it permitted a very flexible way of 
displaying article listings anywhere, even inside articles.

1. Installation
2. Usage
3. Known Issues
4. Bugs & Suggestions
5. Credits & License

1. Installation
1. Download from

2. Unzip the package

3. Backup the following files:

4. Upload the include folder (and everything in it) to the
   website root directory.
5. If you had installed newsflash 2.0.x before, you must 
	remove the following functions from inc_front/ or inc_front/

2. Usage
Newsflash v2 Content Type #90:
1. Choose "News Flash v2" as content part
2. Select the article listing template you want to use (this 
   will override the article's own article listing template)
3. Select articles and categories.
4. Hit update.

   art_&_cat are article IDs (with prefix 'a') and 
   category IDs (with prefix 'c'). 
   art_list_template is the overriding article listing 

will list all articles in category 29 and article with IDs
167 and 143.

3. Known Issues
#0001 Removing articles from the top select box will screw
      up the bottom one. 

4. Bugs & Suggestions
If you find any kind of bugs or you have any suggestions. 
Please send an E-Mail to: 

5. Credits & License
This script is developed by Jens Zetterström and released under 
The GNU General Public License.



Posted: Thu 15. Sep 2005, 20:52
by tinoo
Is there a running example?

Posted: Thu 15. Sep 2005, 21:39
by JensZ
Well... yeah, but not a good one. On my site there is a small example where it says "Notiser" in the right paragraph. Basically, it is an article listing with a very basic article list template. It could have been a list of articles like the one to the left, with summary text, pictures, etc. I have a hidden structure where I store the article(s) in the list and the news flash content part where I selected the articles. Then I use {SHOW_CONTENT} with the news flash content part ID in the right paragraph. I hope you get the gist.

Posted: Fri 16. Sep 2005, 10:22
by Fulvio Romanin
well, a small demo would be much appreciated ;)


Posted: Sat 17. Sep 2005, 00:10
by jsw_nz
Nice Job JensZ,

I just downloaded and took a first look at your mod.....which looks great. I think this is the first time I have seen anyone offer a new contentpart for wcms. In fact...I have now bookmarked your download page...very nice job :) . OliG has mentioned 'something is planned' with regards to what your mod accomplishes, so here is hoping this gets included.

Since you are quite the programmer, have a wee little thread for you to take a look at.

Kosse's Thread

The topic has been raised several times on the boards, namely...a way to have list and fullarticle templates preselected. Myself and others have encountered that when handing a job over to client, this part of desinging of content is confusing and often overlooked by them. pSouper has developed a hack to at least change this (in part), but the discussion has blossomed into the concept of providing control of these parameters from backend (site structure)(page templates)(article) locations. So just wanted to point you to this thread.

Would be interested if you had any ideas or approaches of how to accomplish this from a programming perspective.


:D :D

Posted: Tue 27. Sep 2005, 19:14
by coopersred
I found your content part works fine except for one bug.

If I choose "default" for the template setting the content does not show.

It only shows when I choose "sample.tmpl" for the template setting.

Posted: Tue 4. Oct 2005, 16:23
by JensZ
I'll take a look at it. I'm very busy the upcoming weeks, but I hope I can get around to it soon.



Posted: Mon 10. Oct 2005, 17:36
by coopersred
There seems to be no way to adjsut the order of the artiles manually. Is this by design or is it a bug?

In the "link Article" content part you can manually adjust the order of the artilces but this is not working in the "News Flash" content part.

I've been trying to work it out by looking at your code but I'm a complete newbie to PHP coding.

Posted: Tue 11. Oct 2005, 14:45
by JensZ
Then it's a bug!

Posted: Tue 11. Oct 2005, 17:34
by JensZ
Now I've fixed both problems (I hope).

Download at:

For those who already installed it, you only need to replace the functions get_newsflash_articles_data() and list_newsflash_summary() in



Posted: Tue 11. Oct 2005, 17:38
by coopersred

Posted: Tue 11. Oct 2005, 17:50
by coopersred
That was quick.

It's working perfect now.

Good job. Well done.

Posted: Tue 11. Oct 2005, 18:25
by JensZ
Glad I could help.

I'm curious to see how you're using it. Do you have an example?

Posted: Tue 1. Nov 2005, 15:58
by anthony.abraira
I installed the News Flash feature and came up with the error below when I tried to post the content part:

Code: Select all

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: list_newsflash_summary() in /home/d15642/public_html/include/inc_front/content/ on line 36
I did the installation a little more cautiously. Since I was terrified of messing anything up, I went into the .nf files and looked at what you put in. I then copied and pasted these pieces in the exact location as you did. I went ahead and doublechecked and everything looks in place.

By the way Jens thanks for the help you have been giving. Making leap and bounds with whatever you can contribute.



A Fatal Error: More than likey due to my goof!

Posted: Tue 1. Nov 2005, 15:58
by anthony.abraira
I installed the News Flash feature and came up with the error below when I tried to post the content part:

Code: Select all

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: list_newsflash_summary() in /home/d15642/public_html/include/inc_front/content/ on line 36
I did the installation a little more cautiously. Since I was terrified of messing anything up, I went into the .nf files and looked at what you put in. I then copied and pasted these pieces in the exact location as you did. I went ahead and doublechecked and everything looks in place.

By the way Jens thanks for the help you have been giving. Making leap and bounds with whatever you can contribute.

