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Is this a bug?

Posted: Sun 21. Aug 2005, 23:43
by Marko
I have had few problems with dev 1.2.3, but most of them I've figured out with your help. This one seems to be a bit tricky and I was wondering if this might be a bug...

Whenever I use rep-tag

Code: Select all

it seems to return articles written before my upgrade process. NEW-tag simply refuses to count them.

Strange is, that normal category article listing works fine and returns correct articles in correct order.

Posted: Tue 23. Aug 2005, 08:12
by Pappnase

does this tag existis! could it be that you use the wrong one!?
i would say the right one would be the

Code: Select all


or when then

Code: Select all


Posted: Sat 27. Aug 2005, 23:05
by Marko
It does exist, {NEW:category_id:count} came along since DEV 1.2.3.

Posted: Sat 27. Aug 2005, 23:10
by Pappnase
really!? :-(

so i will take a look! :-)

Posted: Sun 28. Aug 2005, 00:31
by Marko
Actually I solved this one. In a way... I had two databases, and even though my file was set right, the script some how returned values from my previous database.

I could get it right, so I just dumbed my newer db and uploaded it into the old one. Doing this I got it workind smoothly.

I don't have time to go any deeper into this at the moment, but will in next couple of days. It's strange behaviour, but has to relate to my server configuration.