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FCKEditor vs Spaw

Posted: Mon 15. Aug 2005, 20:39
by iceman
What's the general consensus? Which is the better editor?

I find FCKEditor produces nicer HTML, but it lacks easy-to-use features such as being able to add a new row/column into a table. It's impossible to do this using FCKEditor without pressing "SOURCE" and editing the HTML. Not something I want end-users having to do.

FCKEditor has the "pico"-hack, which looks ok for being able to browse phpwcms images, but it's still not ideal. SPAW has the absolute path problem, which there are various workarounds or fixes for.

What are the other pros and cons of each?
Both from a design/development point-of-view, as well as from an end-user point-of-view to edit articles once the site goes live?

Appreciate your feedback.

2 phpwcms sites:

Posted: Tue 16. Aug 2005, 08:23
by pico
but it lacks easy-to-use features such as being able to add a new row/column into a table. It's impossible to do this using FCKEditor without pressing "SOURCE" and editing the HTML. Not something I want end-users having to do.
for that Click on Right-Mousebutton when your Table is selected ;-) is it also possible to expand the Menubar - but I thing then there are too much Buttons :?

Posted: Tue 21. Feb 2006, 04:56
by Rolf77
Hallo ja was sind eigentlich die Vorteile Nachteile der
verschiedenen WYSIWYG Browser?

Aber meine eigentliche Frage ist folgende:
Ich habe phpwcms dev 1.2.6, aber wo finde ich den SPAW Editor???

in der config datei steht folgende zeile:
$phpwcms["wysiwyg_editor"] = 1; //0 = no wysiwyg editor, 1 = HTMLarea, 2 = FCKeditor, 3 = browser based
da scheint keine rede mehr zu sein von SPAW, der so wie ich an
anderer stelle sah dort mal als punkt 4 aufgeführt war.

auch ein einstellen auf den wert 4 zeigte mir im backend keinen spaw.

Rausgenommen wurde der doch nicht ganz oder?


Posted: Tue 21. Feb 2006, 06:41
by Ben

I'm partial to SPAW - I think I started using it because it looks so much better and ended up having no complaints, which is why I continue to use it religiously. To me, FckEditor (at least as it has been implemented in phpwcms) is a bit cluttered and iconically overwhelming compared to SPAW.

I wish SPAW had the context menus of FckEditor, though.

Posted: Tue 21. Feb 2006, 08:20
by pico

I'm not up-to-date, but on my last try with Spaw it works only with IE on Windows-Machines cause it uses parts of Windows-OS and Active-X !?

Posted: Tue 21. Feb 2006, 16:47
by Ben
Yeah, I think pico is right. FckEditor works in FireFox, but SPAW doesn't.

Posted: Wed 22. Feb 2006, 14:41
by wingover

what do you think about the tinyMCE?
I´m very happy with that editor.
The main-pro for tinyMCE was that I can use the the styles from the 'frontend.css'. In the FckEditor I have to edit a xml-file, but I don`t like to define the style in two files.
Ok, in the tinyMCE I can not use the filemanager from phpwcms but with the ibrowser-plugin I can upload and manage images perfect. Maybe sometimes someone writes a plugin to the phpwcms-filemanger ;-)

Here is a working example from phpwcms with the tinyMCE:

Grüzli - Andi

Posted: Wed 22. Feb 2006, 14:50
by Rolf77
Hallo wingOver!!

Ich habe mir Deine Beispielseite angesehen.
Sehr schön!

Und ich habe mir den tinyMCE angesehen,
den finde ich mal sehr gut.

Wie kann ich denn den einbinden ins Backend???


Posted: Wed 22. Feb 2006, 16:14
by wingover
Hallo Rolf,

ich bin nach der Anleitung von 'zBurner' vorgegangen. ... 2&start=30
Danach habe ich dann aber noch diverse Änderungen vorgenommen.
Ich habe den tinyMCE in das Installationspaket von phpwcms eingebaut, so daß ich nicht bei jeder Neuinstallation die ganzen Änderungen machen muß. Und ich habe die Scripte soweit verändert, daß ich bei einer Neuinstallation am tinyMCE und auch beim ibrowser-plugin nichts konfigurieren muß. Es reicht, wenn ich die config-datei von phpwcms anpasse. Ich habe übrigens auf meiner Spielwiese das von mir angepasste phpwcms-setup incl. tinyMCE als download.

Grüzli - Andi