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Modified and enhanced FCKeditor2.0 Final for phpWCMS

Posted: Tue 9. Aug 2005, 18:13
by pico

have build a new Pakage of FCK -

* no configuration needed
* Editing in a new seperate scalable Window
* new ImageManager - browse the Images wich are uploaded with the phpWCMS Filemanager - with relative and absolute URL's
* enhanced Table Functions
* CSS-Editor

more Information see here

# unzip it
# rename your old Path ../include/inc_ext/FCKeditor2 to ../include/inc_ext/FCKeditor2old
# upload the new one to your Server to ../include/inc_ext/FCKeditor2

have fun

Posted: Tue 9. Aug 2005, 18:31
by cyrano
Hi pico,

thanx first for digging this out for all.

i uploaded your last version, can brose through all uploaded images, but don't see the image when loaded in FCK editor - i still see the red x instead of an image - what went wrong here? any idea?

when i open page in frontend mode i see the image well rendered.

Posted: Tue 9. Aug 2005, 18:32
by pico

do you mean this new Version or the one before ?

Posted: Tue 9. Aug 2005, 18:33
by cyrano
hi pico,

used your version before and now your posted version a few minutes ago - in 1.2.5 dev release.

Posted: Tue 9. Aug 2005, 18:35
by pico

do you use ImageMagick or GD on your Server?

Have it only tested with GD


take a look into the in ../include/inc_ext/FCKeditor2/editor/plugins/ImageManager/
Line 52 ff.

Code: Select all

 Possible values: 'GD', 'IM', or 'NetPBM'

 The image manipulation library to use, either GD or ImageMagick or NetPBM.
 If you have safe mode ON, or don't have the binaries to other packages, 
 your choice is 'GD' only. Other packages require Safe Mode to be off.
define('IMAGE_CLASS', 'GD');
maybe you have to change this :(

Posted: Tue 9. Aug 2005, 18:39
by cyrano
using imagemagick.

tried using absURL -no images are shown, with relURL images are rendered well.

Posted: Tue 9. Aug 2005, 18:41
by pico
see Edited Post above - was to slow :wink:

Posted: Tue 9. Aug 2005, 18:50
by cyrano
no no problem - you work on nother place :-)

so, changed but makes no effect.

can insert, browse images, but do not see them rendered in backend - works in frontend.

perhaps lacks of sessions...?

Posted: Tue 9. Aug 2005, 18:55
by pico
do you have MSN-Messenger ? or send me a PM with your Login (Backend and FTP) if you want - so that I can see maybe waths going wrong

Posted: Wed 10. Aug 2005, 01:38
by Peekay
Localhost Win XP/IIS setup.

Hi pico. I am looking forward to using this so I downloaded the files, but I have a couple of issues.

1) I'm using PHPWCMS 1.2.3. Does this require 1.2.5?

2) I have been using the FCKeditor that ships with 1.2.3 ( I believe it's the RC) and it works o.k. In your version however, I find any CSS in frontend.css for the 'BODY' tag of the site gets shown in the FCKeditor text window.

E.g. I have CSS to show a left sidebar column running from the top to the bottom of the screen using a repeating GIF image:

Code: Select all

body { background: #ffffff url(../../picture/leftcolumn.gif) repeat-y left top } 

Unfortunately, this now also appears in the FCKeditor edit window. It's the same in IE and Firefox. Is this a FCKeditor 2 final 'feature' (to display body tag CSS) or a bug?.

3) I get an error opening the image manager:

Code: Select all

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required '/config/phpwcms/' 
in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\websitedemo\include\inc_ext\FCKeditor2\editor\plugins
\ImageManager\ on line 28
Although I appreciate this may just be a Windows path or PHPWCMS version thing if it works for everyone else.

Posted: Wed 10. Aug 2005, 09:59
by pico

1. think that it work also with Version down to 1.2.1

2. I have Linked the CSS to the frontend.css - you can change this in ../include/inc_ext/FCKeditor2/fckconfig.js

Code: Select all

// FCKConfig.EditorAreaCSS = FCKConfig.BasePath + 'css/fck_editorarea.css' ;
FCKConfig.EditorAreaCSS = FCKConfig.BasePath +'../../../../phpwcms_template/inc_css/frontend.css' ;
3. I don't know why this happens ?

Code: Select all

require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/config/phpwcms/');
maybe your DOCUMENT_ROOT Variable is not set - try to change the Path to your phpWCMS - in ../include/inc_ext/FCKeditor2/editor/plugins/ImageManager/

hope this solve your Problems

Posted: Wed 10. Aug 2005, 11:57
by Peekay
Thx pico. That did the trick!

I returned the CSS to it's default and that got rid of my repeating GIF column. I had to add absolute paths for the include statement and the filestorage location. The script doesn't seem to pick up the phpwcms VARs on my system (doc root is set properly). Could be just a Windows thing.

If anyone else has similar probs, this works for me, as long as I select 'absURL-OK' when adding the image. My additions in red.
$IMConfig['base_dir'] = 'c:/inetpub/wwwroot/websitedemo/phpwcms_filestorage';

The URL to the above path, the web browser needs to be able to see it.
It can be protected via .htaccess on apache or directory permissions on IIS,
check you web server documentation for futher information on directory protection
If this directory needs to be publicly accessiable, remove scripting capabilities
for this directory (i.e. disable PHP, Perl, CGI). We only want to store assets
in this directory and its subdirectories.
//require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/config/phpwcms/');
require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'c:/inetpub/wwwroot/websitedemo/config/phpwcms/');
// pk $IMConfig['base_url'] = '/'.$phpwcms['file_path'];
$IMConfig['base_url'] = '/websitedemo/'.$phpwcms['file_path'];

// pk $IMConfig['base_dir'] = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$IMConfig['base_url'];

$IMConfig['server_name'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];

Posted: Wed 10. Aug 2005, 13:20
by frold
@pico regard this new version:

1. does it support public and privat images?
2. if you upload images via the FCKeditor can they then be used in phpwcms's own file system?

Posted: Wed 10. Aug 2005, 13:41
by pico

1. no - see my Website where I wrote !!! Permissions are not supported !!! also NO Public and Private - Imagemanger shows all Files in phpwcms_filestorage Folder

2. if you upload Images or Files with the FCK-FileBrowser - they are not avaible for phpWCMS Contententparts

Posted: Wed 10. Aug 2005, 13:48
by frold
new ImageManager - browse the Images wich are uploaded with the phpWCMS Filemanager - with relative and absolute URL's
what is new then? :?: