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DOCUMENT ROOT in Config / Setup - Poss Error and Solution

Posted: Sun 17. Jul 2005, 17:51
by jsavage
I think there is an error in the Config Script and the associated setup script. This may explain why a number of people have trouble with configuration. Let me explain the problem I was having and the solution. Even if this is only relevant to some hosted servers this will hopefuly make it easier for some to end up with a working configuration somewhat quicker.

I have spent much of the last 24 hours trying to set up DEV 123 on a new server my hosting company has just launched and at every step there seems to have been a problem not all the fault of phpwcms! All the more frustrating since I have already have 2 instances phpwcms working on my other hosted platform for some time. See recents posts for myself for some of the background - error messages and the like.

Anyway, the problem seemed to all boil down to the DOCUMENT_ROOT not being set correctly. All along I have been putting in the correct info but the error messages all indicated that the root was wrong. The reason turns out to be that the directives in the config file are in the wrong order.

It turns out that the following line is in the wrong place:

Code: Select all

$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']     = '/files/home1/hp225tj';
It shoud be placed near the top and specifically before the phpwcms document root is set using

Code: Select all

$phpwcms['DOC_ROOT']          = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];

This mod, has resolved all my current issues in 3 separate instances on two different servers.

Hope this helps someone else. If others who understand phpwcms agree with my analysis could I please ask that they promote this to a BUG and get a solution into the DEV version as soon as possible.

Thanks to all especially OG for a great product ( although for a few hours yesterday I was begining to think my enthusiasm may have been misplaced!)


Posted: Thu 28. Jul 2005, 09:06
by earmonkey
Thank you so much

Posted: Sat 30. Jul 2005, 02:28
by Marko
Hi there,

I had this same problem but I managed to get my paths working. Still I learnt that dev-version made my site much slower and it kept giving me this weird internal server error message every now and then.

Fortunately I backed up my old site and went back to the old release. Well, they say: "don't fix it if it isn't broken", but I still had to try. :)

If you come up with this kind of behavior and find a solution, please keep us updated. In a mean time I'll be waiting for the next stable release.

Posted: Tue 2. Aug 2005, 04:25
by Marko
Got it working. Trick I did was to run setup.php once again and leave path to my php-ini blank. Have no idea why but it worked. It still seems a bit slow, but I quess cache is doing what it is supposed to do, bacause cached pages a fastening up... :)

Posted: Tue 2. Aug 2005, 04:30
by Pappnase
Marko wrote:Got it working. Trick I did was to run setup.php once again and leave path to my php-ini blank. Have no idea why but it worked. It still seems a bit slow, but I quess cache is doing what it is supposed to do, bacause cached pages a fastening up... :)

sorry but did i miss something!? where is in the setup routine an path to the php.ini!?

Posted: Tue 2. Aug 2005, 11:47
by Marko
It was about 6.00 am when I wrote my last one, my bad! I ment phpwcms-root dir, which pointed to php-bin directory by default, but after I changed it to none it started to work. (Have no idea where that php-bin-directory came from though).