globaler Artikel

Use GitHub to post feature requests for phpwcms.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon 6. Jun 2005, 16:10

globaler Artikel

Post by snickers »


ich habe folgende Frage.
Gibt es die Möglichkeit, daß ich anhand der ID eines Artikels diesen via Replacement Tag in andere Artikel integriere.
Ich habe einen Artikel den ich an mehreren Stellen brauche und dann bei bedarf zentral pflegen kann.

Wär riesig wenn mir jemand helfen könnte.

Grüße aus dem regnerischen Stuttgart

Post by brans »

try either the wak_snippet tag or the teaser tag.

Another solution was the following:

create one your normal template and second an empty template create a category with the empty template assigned to and create anotherone with your normal template assigned to. Create an Article in each category and fill the one in the empty template with content and use

Code: Select all

to include the content from the one article into the other and as many more as you like.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon 6. Jun 2005, 16:10

Post by snickers »

Thanks, it works great with WAK_snippet,
but now i have the next "little problem"

Why is it not possibble to use this RT for example on the right row (not main content area)

i hope for a solution

Many thanks in advance
