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NOT the same old image problem

Posted: Fri 23. Jan 2004, 09:47
by Lazy
Just when I thought everything was OK :(
I have done as descibed in this post
And that's no problem I can upload with ftp and create thumbnail.
The problem is I can't see the images when adding content with image, and this was working in the RC1.1. I get two folders with the same name and none contains images.
I have checked permissions and also checked for the images, the permissions are OK and the images and thumbnails are there but not available when adding content to an article.

Forget it my mistake :oops:
But why do I have two image folders called bilder when I have only created one?

Posted: Fri 23. Jan 2004, 15:41
by pSouper
I think it's your path to 'phpwcms_filestorage' that is at fault.
has a new folder been created within that is simply a number [a user id number in fact]?