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Problem with Internet Explorer - freezes

Posted: Thu 2. Jun 2005, 07:36
by macangelo
I created a site in dev 1.2.2 without any extra coding:

When I click on "Kontakt" in the navigation, a forwarding to a sub-structure level is executed, the page starts loading but while loading the pictures, IE freezes. Firefox, Safari etc. no problem.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot


Re: Problem with Internet Explorer - freezes

Posted: Thu 2. Jun 2005, 07:59
by Findus
macangelo wrote:When I click on "Kontakt" in the navigation, a forwarding to a sub-structure level is executed, the page starts loading but while loading the pictures, IE freezes. Firefox, Safari etc. no problem.
No problem with IE 6.0.2800.1106

But the Pictures of the Gruselkabinet are not in one vertical line.


Posted: Thu 2. Jun 2005, 12:10
by pepe
Hi macangelo,

do you use it as a gimmick... if it's not:

greetz from Mülheim to Düsseldorf

Posted: Thu 2. Jun 2005, 12:41
by macangelo
thanks - I tried to force the proper line break with a html-content-part {SPACER:500x1}

which bviously didn't work. this on does. thanks


CSS fix

Posted: Thu 2. Jun 2005, 16:34
by olleolleolle
The CSS clear:both property could be used here, on the container that holds each adress, face and name information.

The CSS attributes clear and float work together to change the normal flow in HTML pages.

A good tutorial to get you started: