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Posted: Thu 19. May 2005, 12:46
by media2nd
It is a business site, used for listing different companies that participate to some Exhibition Fairs (CSS and XHTML Valid).

Posted: Thu 19. May 2005, 13:22
by bachi
Looks very good. :D

Cool graphic in the header.
But there is not much content on this site... :wink:

Posted: Thu 19. May 2005, 13:54
by media2nd
bachi wrote:But there is not much content on this site...
I just launched it the other night! The client is getting all the documents together now. It should be done by Monday.

Thanks for the appreciation! :oops:

Posted: Thu 19. May 2005, 15:14
by Kosse
:oops: ? What about showing a little modesty...

Nice template

Hope you paid them 8) (or did the design urself, in which case I'm a jerk)

And, please include OG copyright notice in ur pages.
Look at Oliver's wishes when it comes to copyright:


Posted: Fri 20. May 2005, 17:06
by Kosse
Too difficult to leave

Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
     phpwcms | free open source content management system
     created by Oliver Georgi (oliver at phpwcms dot de) and licensed under GNU/GPL.
     phpwcms is copyright 2003-2005 of Oliver Georgi. Extensions are copyright of
     their respective owners. Visit project page for details.
in your code ???? :evil:

Posted: Fri 20. May 2005, 18:06
by pico
Site looks not like that it was created with phpwcms ?!

Posted: Fri 20. May 2005, 18:16
by Kosse