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[solved] Swisscom ADSL Checker

Posted: Wed 18. May 2005, 11:07
by ssyfrig

Here in Switzerland will Swisscom provide all ADSL Connections. There are a lot of Swisscom Wholesale Providers.

I should create a ASDL Checker form for such a provider.

Over this link you can check if a Telephone Link is ready for ADSL. ... estedBC=06

TN is the phone number = example 0444627060

The Response is XML formatted.

I create this form

Code: Select all

<form name="form1" method="get" action="">
   <input name="tn" type="text" class="style1" id="tn">
	<input type="radio" name="requestedbc" value="06" checked> ISDN<br>
   <input type="radio" name="requestedbc" value="01"> ANALOG<br>
   <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
   <input type="hidden" name="lang" value="de">
   <input name="Product" type="hidden" id="Product" value="bbcs">
Now, I need the response in the phpwcms front-end HMTL formatted. At the same site as the form is.

Can anybody help me please?

All the best form Switzerland




Posted: Tue 31. May 2005, 11:45
by Neelix
I can help:
I've adapt an example from
and think it's suitable.

You need an php-modul (xml-support), what you can check with phpinfo()
(im my case:
XML Support active
XML Namespace Support active
EXPAT Version expat_1.95.5
and in the system built-in the expat-library (look url on top)

Code: Select all

/** -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n
 * @file			adsl_ch.class.php
 * @class		ClADSLCheck adsl_ch.class.php
 * @desc			Swisscom Switzerland ADSL Checker\n
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n
 * PHP4Class:	ClADSLCheck\n
 * 				- liefert die Details zur ADSL Moeglichkeit eines Anschlusses\n
 *						im Gebiet von Swisscom Switzerland
 *					- gently translated in a class
 *					- should be placed in the {p}-frontend_init-Folder:
 *						phpwcms_template/inc_script/frontend_init/
 *					- with example call in the tail-end
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n
 * @version		0.2 $Rev. 2005-05-31 $
 * @author		Neelix <>
 * @package		phpwcms
 * @subpackage	adsl_ch
 * @licence		GPL(2)
 * @see			Forum 4 Details []
 * @see			xml background && [andrewcare at execulink dot com]
 * @see
 * @TODO			waiting4wishes++
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

class ClADSLCheck
   var $depth;
	var $offset;
	var $elements;
	var $stack;
	var $count;
	var $depth;
	var $cons;
	var $summary;
	var $xml_parser;

	 * Konstruktor
	 * Init the Members + call the parser
    * @param String $file URI will return the XML-File <SL_CHECK_RESULT>...</SL_CHECK_RESULT>
	 *  - example from ssyfrig:
	function ClADSLCheck($file)
		$this->count = 0;
		$this->depth = 0;

		$this->offset = 0;		
		$this->cons = array();
		$this->summary	= 0;

		$this->elements = array();
		$this->stack = array();
		$this->xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
		xml_set_object($this->xml_parser, $this); //see
		xml_parser_set_option($this->xml_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); //case sEnSiTiVe please!

		xml_set_element_handler($this->xml_parser, '_start_handler', '_end_handler');
		xml_set_character_data_handler($this->xml_parser, "_data_handler");

		if(!($handle = @fopen($file, "r")))
		   die('ADSLCheck Error: XMLParser cannot open "'.$file.'"');

		while($contents = @fread($handle, 4096))
   		xml_parse($this->xml_parser, $contents, feof($handle));



	} //end-fnc
	 * CallBack 4 Parser: StartTag
	 * @access private
    * @param Resource $parser		parserhandle
    * @param String $name			elementname
    * @param Array  $attribs		all propertys
	 * @see
	 * @see
	function _start_handler($parser, $name, $attribs)
	   $this->elements[$this->count] = array();
      $this->elements[$this->count]['name'] = $name;
   	while(list($key, $value) = each($attribs))
         $this->elements[$this->count]['attributes'][$key] = $value;
	   $this->elements[$this->count]['depth'] = $this->depth;
	   array_push($this->stack, $this->count);


	 * CallBack 4 Parser: EndTag
	 * @access private
    * @param Resource $parser		parserhandle
    * @param String $name			elementname
	 * @see
	 * @see
	function _end_handler($parser, $name)

	 * CallBack 4 Parser: Data
	 * @access private
    * @param Resource $parser		parserhandle
    * @param String $data			elementdatas
	 * @see
	 * @see
	function _data_handler($parser, $data)
	   $this->elements[$this->stack[count($this->stack)-1]]['data'] .= trim($data);		

	 * Working through the xml-tree
	 * - if we can find the OK-Message -> collect all infos in the internal buffer
	 * - killed all output from andrewcare - only the info messages will be saved
	 * @access public
    * @return Boolean will be true, if the telnumber is ready
	function worker()

		while( list($key_a) = each($this->elements))
	   	$this->offset = 0;
	   	if ( $this->elements[$key_a]['depth'] < $this->depth )
			    while($this->elements[$key_a]['depth'] != (($this->elements[$key_a - $this->offset]['depth']) - 1)  || $this->offset == 0)
		   if	($this->elements[$key_a]['depth']==$this->depth && ($this->depth != 0) )
		       while($this->elements[$key_a]['depth'] != $this->elements[$key_a - $this->offset]['depth']  || $this->offset == 0)

		   if (!empty($this->elements[$key_a]['attributes']))
      		 while(list($key_b, $value) = each($this->elements[$key_a]['attributes']))

	 				if ($key_b=='Code' && $value=='OK')	 // <MESSAGE Code="OK">

			//collect the details
		   if (trim($this->elements[$key_a]['data']) != '' && $this->summary==1)

		return $this->summary; //it's integer but using as boolean


}; //End-CLASS

/* <------------------------------[cut here]----------------------------------------> */

 * --<Example call: copy this in your formular or content and try>---------------------------------------------------
 * @file			adsl_ch.example.php

//the file adsl_ch.class.php should be placed here!
//delete the "//" after testing in the next line 

if (isset($_GET['Submit']))

	echo 'Ergebnis:<br><hr>';
	//OK-Example: tn=0444627060
  $myADSL= new ClADSLCheck(''.$_GET['tn'].'&lang=de&Product=bbcs&RequestedBC='.$_GET['requestedbc']);

	if ($myADSL->worker())
		//status quo 2005-05-26:
		//1st Line ($i==0) is the OK Message: "Der Telefonanschluss ist für ADSL geeignet. Folgende Datenübertragungsraten sind möglich:"
		//then the details...
		for ($i=0;$i<count($myADSL->cons);$i++)
			echo $myADSL->cons[$i].'<br>';
		 echo 'Es handelt sich um einen Telefonanschluss der für ADSL leider nicht geeignet ist<br>';
	echo '<hr>';

<form name="form1" method="get" action="adsl_ch.example.php">
	The default is an example for an valid value!<br>
   <input name="tn" type="text" class="style1" id="tn" value="<?php echo (isset($_GET['tn'])?$_GET['tn']:'0444627060'); ?>">
   <input type="radio" name="requestedbc" value="06" <?php echo (!isset($_GET['requestedbc']) || $_GET['requestedbc']!='01'?'checked':''); ?>> ISDN<br>
   <input type="radio" name="requestedbc" value="01" <?php echo (isset($_GET['requestedbc']) && $_GET['requestedbc']=='01'?'checked':''); ?>> ANALOG<br>
   <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
 	{Nx} It's now static in code connected!
   <input type="hidden" name="lang" value="de">
   <input name="Product" type="hidden" id="Product" value="bbcs">


Posted: Wed 1. Jun 2005, 16:55
by ssyfrig
Hi Neelix

Thank you very much. great Job. It works perfect. :D :D

All the best from Switzerland
