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Front End Login \ Shopping

Posted: Thu 28. Apr 2005, 01:51
by azterizk
Okay I think that the following post might be useful.

I am going to try and implement that except using a seperate database. Essentially I am using phpWCMS as a website manager for my wife's photography business. Well, a part of that business is going to be online ordering. Basically I was wondering if anyone has a shopping hack \ mod out there.

I installed Typo3 and couldn't get it to run right it wants root level only install. Drupal didn't really give me the option to setup site content just a whole bunch of posting and this crap they call taxonomy. phpWebsite just wasn't right. It seems like phpWCMS is the best choice of any of the CMS's that I have tried out so far, but searching for all of this to find one that I don't have to reinvent the wheel on to make it work for my needs is hard.

Also, I don't want to start developing mods for phpWCMS because with each release the folder structure changes drastically. So, making a mod to keep up with versions is nearly impossible. Something to think about when you are working on WCMS. I know that OG likes to keep a handle on the development, but really he is just one guy. Why not make it standardized so that people can develop modules that can be supported in future releases without much working needed?

Posted: Thu 28. Apr 2005, 08:47
by trip
Hi there
you should look at --...--

OG has also created the use of frontend render and initiate folders, where you can add your custome code. This has been done so that when the backend is changed drastically, then at least these codes will work...

But still if you coded your project similar to that of the GT MOD and the CALENDAR which are additional modules then you will see how these are integrated.

The coding guidelines have all beeb laid down for this. :-)


Posted: Thu 28. Apr 2005, 10:34
by brans
And by the way: the only drastical change was from RC4 to DEV Release and OG told us that there won`t be no more drastical changings in the future, as the main changings have been done.

Please read through our mod coding guidelines and see what you can find about the shopping cart issue on our dev page.