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There is a problem with creating new categories.....

Posted: Tue 13. Jan 2004, 21:58
by Mirage
When I went to create a new category in the admin section under the site structure, after filling in the forms, I got a white screen with the word "error" on it. :evil: The path to the file with the error on it is:/include/inc_act/act_structure.php. Somebody else come accross this problem? By the way I did install the latest patch before I had this problem.

Posted: Tue 13. Jan 2004, 22:34
by pSouper
I think you need to check that you have all the database tables up to date - there are a few new ones that may be missing.

Thanks for the help

Posted: Tue 13. Jan 2004, 23:16
by Mirage
Thanks for the help but how do I know which tables need to be updated?

Posted: Tue 13. Jan 2004, 23:22
by pSouper
you should read through your current data base and cross reference it with the sql script supplied within the phpwcms setup folder.
but the lazy-days way is .....
to zip up your existing slq database files - execute the latet download .sql script from the phpwcms setup folder then copy all your zipped up sql files back over the top of the new ones. This should give you back all your files plus any new entries the the latest install had added.

hope it helps. but if you kill anything on the way please don't set the hit-men on me :)

Thanks a lot!

Posted: Wed 14. Jan 2004, 00:18
by Mirage
I solved the problem! Much thanks! :evil: :arrow: :twisted: now i am evil and happy! Send hit men on you? why would i do that?

Re: Thanks a lot!

Posted: Wed 14. Jan 2004, 00:20
by frold
Mirage wrote:Send hit men on you? why would i do that?
I guess it was a joke, LOL

Posted: Wed 14. Jan 2004, 11:08
by pSouper
I am always worried that if my advice should be followed and it were to corrupt data and/or lose your work that I might wake up with a horses head in my bed ;) I would hate for that to be the case though I'm sure If backups were made you would be able to wind the clock back.

Posted: Wed 14. Jan 2004, 11:23
by frold
pSouper wrote:I am always worried that if my advice should be followed and it were to corrupt data and/or lose your work that I might wake up with a horses head in my bed ;)
I don´t know how the US postels service are in the US, but here in Denmark the mailmann doesn´t deliver mails in the middle of the night :lol: But be ware of taking a nap in the daytime :D lol

Posted: Wed 14. Jan 2004, 11:25
by frold
Oops :oops: , I see you are from the UK, but anyway.....

Posted: Wed 14. Jan 2004, 11:26
by pSouper
:) hehe I like your stlye Frold.
I was thinking of becoming and insomniac: it seams such a cool lifstyle choice and so very suited to software developement :)