Page 1 of 1 - running a dev version (LIVE;)

Posted: Fri 8. Apr 2005, 21:20
by DusX
still tweaking a few things.. but its 95% there.

Posted: Wed 13. Apr 2005, 19:34
by DusX
I see many of you have taken a peak.. what do you think..?
I'm not done.. so I still have time to adjust things.. ;)

Posted: Wed 13. Apr 2005, 22:03
by pico

nice looking Site :) and

nice Trick with the Stylsheet-Switcher for the Right Area -

Posted: Wed 13. Apr 2005, 22:44
by DusX
thanks... had never used alternate style sheets before... I think that I will be playing around with this feature more in the near future.

Posted: Thu 14. Apr 2005, 11:00
by brans
looks good so far.

Please remove the shadow behind that arrow at the right, maybe even enlarge the button

I would rework your listing grafics at the right ( arrow before Newsletter )

maybe try to enlarge the hole right section a little bit, it looks kinda compressed into the corner

try to set a padding of about 3 to 5px for the toplist, maybe change the hover colour to a lighter one.
what is the "Listing" button good for ?

Posted: Thu 14. Apr 2005, 14:50
by DusX
the 'Listing' button is an issue in this section since there is only one article.
I need to add a little to the logic that is placing the button..
currently I am testing for some global ID's to allow me to change the 'listing' graphic and link, but I don't know how to test the number of articles associated to the current catID.
Any ideas?

Posted: Mon 18. Apr 2005, 15:56
by trip
alternate style sheets
mmmm sounds interesting...
do you have a tutorial you can point us in the right direction?
