Articles as submenu with {TEASER:alias } rep-tag?

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Articles as submenu with {TEASER:alias } rep-tag?

Post by tomoh »


Trying to get an easy navigation, using one level. With the {TEASER:alias } in left-menu it works fine and also getting around the problem with editors access for creating new articles that also becomes menuitems. Now, I can give the rep-tag it´s own css-class and the style I want to have. I´ve been trying to get support from Brenner dev without success regarding the problem to have a span-class to the {TEASER:alias }. How to make this span-clas affect the tag like one does in: for eample: // row based navigation/$template_default["nav_row"]["link_before_active"] = '<span class="nav_row_act">'; , i.e to get menuitem highlighted or likevise when it´s selected? Anyone have an idea?
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