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Posted: Thu 24. Mar 2005, 10:57
by tomoh
Hi there!
First of all I must say I´m impressed by the way this cms is built. I´ve been testing a lot of the biggest sytems an they just make me confused with a lot of power used on layout and icons, and yet not so userfriendly.

Now, we´re building a new site with phpwcms for the Municipality of Berg - in nothern Sweden. Problem is the amount of sections we have in our organisation. That is - for each section we have there are a number of "subcategories". You can have a look at the navigation on our actual website This site is about 500 staticcontent-pages.
In the cms I´m building I use { NAV_ROW } for main-navigation between sections, and { NAV_TABLE_COLUMN:integer } for subcategories .
Now, as I understand, if a subcategory has one article it shows in full display in the maincontent of the side and if there are several articles, it displays a list of articles on the side. And for creating that subcategory in admin-sitestructure you´ll have to be admin user, right? Is it possible to have the articles title to make a new "menuitem" in the subcategory?. That is what the "normal users" of each section should be able to do without beeing admin-user and have access to templets and so on.
I´m greatful for a reply!

Posted: Fri 25. Mar 2005, 21:40
by spirelli
Unfortunately non of this is possible with the currently released version or development version. Better user management is coming in the upcoming version 2, but I have no idea whether it would allow editors to change the site structure. To get article titles displayed in the navigation would require some hacking of the code, but I have no idea to what that would involve and how big a job this would be.

However with the current Development Version you can display content anywhere. So maybe you could come up with a design where you would have the main navigation horizontally at the top, the subcategories on the left and then another menu with the article titles for the current section as a sub-sub navi on the right or above the sub nav, or similar. This means that you would have 3 navigations with the third level navigation the article titles.

Posted: Mon 28. Mar 2005, 12:22
by tomoh
Hi again!

Thank´s Spirelli for your answer, but making an third level in sitestructure doesn´t solve the problem with editors acess .
I found the { RELATED:Integer:Keyword} rep-tag, wich I can use as submenu. The set of an identical keyword for each article within one category is pretty much like give an alias to a category. Now, I can give the {RELATED} tag an CSS-class making it apper as I want to. There is some clues to it, though: I want all of the "article-items" remaining in the menu build by the {RELATED }- tag and not disappering when clicking on the link to show the article. And further I would have it acting like {NAV_ROW} with a (.nav_row span.nav_row_act a) - class to it.
I´ve been trying to edit the ( //related articles based on keywords) - file without success. Do you have an idea how to fix it?

Posted: Mon 28. Mar 2005, 12:31
by spirelli
hi tomoth,
I did not mean you should make a third level site structure, but using the article titles as sub-sub-menu. Just as you are doing it now. No idea about your new question though. Maybe someone else??

Posted: Mon 28. Mar 2005, 13:18
by tomoh
Thanks anyway