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[REQ] simpelt stats modul/times link visited

Posted: Mon 12. Jan 2004, 17:26
by frold
If someone need a project or have to much time then I would like a simpel stats included in phpwcms.

And another cool thing would be when you insert a link as a content it will show something like... (Hits: 12)

Posted: Mon 12. Jan 2004, 17:35
by Florian
I would like to prefer stats like awStats.
I don't know if it's possible to set this up on a "normal" webspce, when your Provider doen't serve Stats to you.


Posted: Mon 12. Jan 2004, 18:08
by frold
well I found another solution (danish) and free...

But I still would like the advance link feature!! :lol:

Posted: Mon 12. Jan 2004, 18:22
by Pappnase
hello frold

i also ask why you need that!? didn't serve the webspace provider in dk stats!?


Posted: Mon 12. Jan 2004, 18:29
by frold
Pappnase wrote:hello frold

i also ask why you need that!? didn't serve the webspace provider in dk stats!?

nope..only if you pay for it :wink:

Posted: Mon 12. Jan 2004, 18:37
by Pappnase
thats boring! so come to the beautiful germany with low taxes :lol: and the provider serves you also stats for free!*lol*


Posted: Mon 12. Jan 2004, 19:23
by frold
Pappnase wrote:thats boring! so come to the beautiful germany with low taxes :lol: and the provider serves you also stats for free!*lol*

Well I like denmark, I can speak the language and with some truble spell it :wink:. But the good thing with the internet is I could use a german internet provider :wink:

Posted: Mon 12. Jan 2004, 20:37
by brans
ouhm you should use swiss ones :-) their quality is on a much higher level and taxes are even less than in good old high-tax germany ( where I'm actually born :) ).

Posted: Mon 12. Jan 2004, 21:08
by frold
brans wrote:ouhm you should use swiss ones :-) their quality is on a much higher level and taxes are even less than in good old high-tax germany ( where I'm actually born :) ).
well about taxes - I´m from denmark!

Posted: Mon 12. Jan 2004, 21:54
by pSouper
I'm from London so I get the horrible Tax, the horible ISP, the horible weather, the horible polution and I have to pay 'tourist' prices for everyting I buy :(
You should all feel a little happier now :) - i like to do my bit for humanity :)

Posted: Mon 12. Jan 2004, 22:13
by frold
pSouper wrote:I'm from London so I get the horrible Tax, the horible ISP, the horible weather, the horible polution and I have to pay 'tourist' prices for everyting I buy :(
You should all feel a little happier now :) - i like to do my bit for humanity :)
But movies comes in london before in copenhagen :) .... but okay you drive in the wrong side - YOU WIN !! LOL

Posted: Mon 12. Jan 2004, 23:38
by pSouper
YAY I win, I've never one anything before. Firstly I'd like to thank my wife, mother and my family for thier un-ending support for me in the hard times. I'd like to thanks also my manager, the producers and thier families, and all the men and women around the world that have made all this possible and such a special time in my life.

[well, I never going to get to say it at the oscars ;)]

Posted: Tue 13. Jan 2004, 00:16
by Pappnase
pSouper wrote:hehe,
YAY I win, I've never one anything before. Firstly I'd like to thank my wife, mother and my family for thier un-ending support for me in the hard times. I'd like to thanks also my manager, the producers and thier families, and all the men and women around the world that have made all this possible and such a special time in my life.

[well, I never going to get to say it at the oscars ;)]
oha psouper

what do you thing to render your life in a short movie!?
so we will vote for you so that u get an oscar und can tell these words to the whole wide world!*lol


Posted: Tue 13. Jan 2004, 10:23
by pSouper
hehe, well actually I AM the proud recipient of a BAFTA [A British Oscar]
but it was for 'Best Childrens Entertainment Computer Game' in which I worked on the graphics: maybe I should have said not so proud now ;)
funnily enough, the company went bankrupt a week before we recieved the award so not a very good story after all.

Posted: Tue 13. Jan 2004, 20:12
by Florian
uh pSouper, sad strory.
I've won in 2000 one of these german "internet oscars".
It brings nothing up to me, I think. My work doesn't get any better or more worse and I doesn't earn more money with these "oscaraming".
The firm I worked for is also not existant anymore. So in conlusion I think it's better to have no oscar ;)
