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Why is structure and articles separated?

Posted: Wed 16. Mar 2005, 12:53
by elsbett

phpwcms separates editing of articles, and editing of structure quite hard.
But in many cases, a redactor should be able to add, change or remove new Sub-Menu points.
Only solution i see right now (RC 1.1. RC4) is to allow the users to be administators. But then they can have accesss in everything (templates, ect), what i dont want.
Why is the separation made so consequent? Are there better possiblities in V2?



Posted: Sat 26. Mar 2005, 19:09
by spirelli
True. I also widh that editors could have a status that allows them to change the structire of their sub-section.

Posted: Sat 26. Mar 2005, 19:18
by elv
A nice feature for the editors would be to have a "content edit" mode : it would display the content fields for all the current article's blocks, at once on the same page. That way they could change the titles, text blocks, etc in one pass.