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User-groups and advanced user / groups access rights

Posted: Mon 14. Mar 2005, 23:25
by kristofixx
Here are some screenshots of my latest work on phpwcms for a customer who needed frontend usergroups on his project.

Below is a quick overview of the features added...

Creating a group, giving the possibility to set the group active or inactive
Editing the group, as the group is created, viewing the current members of the group and their current state (active or inactive)

User list heavy rewritten to include groups sorting, with users affected to a group and users outside groups, giving the possibility to the administrator to put the user in multiple groups...

Here it is, with a few screenshots, if anyone interested, please post below...this is some kind of contribution for this marvelllous product ! :D

Congratulations to the author and the community who makes this possible...and wish a long life to open source software ! :wink:

Kristofixx (France)

(THE screenshots (not in the right order, but who cares ??::)

Screenshot 1 : Image
Screenshot 2 : Image
Screenshot 3 : Image
Screenshot 4 : Image

Posted: Mon 14. Mar 2005, 23:46
by cyrano
très bien oh la la :-)

merci pour les ecrains..

mais maintenant en anglais:

great work, so it would be great if you would be able to share the code and/or can make changes for using with the current dev release 1.2.1.

great done job.

which experience do you have when clients are using this?
did they got work with it fast?

the MOD will be out on tomorrow

Posted: Tue 15. Mar 2005, 00:04
by kristofixx
Thanks for your message Cyrano, and waoh..are you french or german ?
or maybe english ? hey somebody told me yesterday that we were european at now...damn I forgot that point !! :P

Well, talking 'bout phpwcms I think the MOD should be posted here on tomorrow, I have spent my day to fit in coding guidelines and I'm too lazy to post it now.. :shock:

All the instructions to upgrade will be here except language files, I'm not familiar with german, there will be only two language files, french and english et voila !

But at this step, I think anyone interested will make the extra work to get done...

Have a good nite !


Posted: Tue 15. Mar 2005, 00:14
by cyrano
Salut Kristofixx,

bien sure je suis allemande, avec les mots très dur en francaise (je chrche le cedille........)

Mon frére habit a **** et marseille.
Mais c'est tous.
J'ecrits so lala, mais je compend beaucoup :-) mais je finis en anglais :-)

Nice to view your work here tomorrow..
"..the coding line" means it will run into dev release with using it in frontend render folder?
that would be great...

Bien sure europeènes ...

Bon nuit et a demain.

Posted: Tue 15. Mar 2005, 07:28
by rushclub
i can do the german translation :)


Very cool...

Posted: Tue 15. Mar 2005, 16:22
by rtilghman
As someone for whom the lack of group support was a big draw back of phpwCMS I find this mod very cool. However, maybe I can make an argument that in addition to posting the "mod" here for immediate inclusion you also submit it to the dev for inclusion in the phpwCMS core package.

I know Group support is a target (hell, it has a blank page in the dev releases) and I always prefer getting formal and stable "packages" over the modification route, especially one as ugly as phpwCMS' is (yes, lets face it, the plug-in mod architecture of this CMS is probably the single most atrocious one Ive ever seen).

Good work, looks very cool.


Posted: Wed 16. Mar 2005, 14:00
by trip
Please post your mod on this FORUM





Users and groups

Posted: Wed 23. Mar 2005, 09:47
by Shrike71
Any chance of seeing this hack or howto available soon? Preferably for V2, but i'll work on a hack for any version as i really really need this fix!

I've been coping by putting a piece of code in that matches a user id with an xref in an independent table, managed through phpMySqlAdmin... very very inelegant but (barely) did the job...

Pages / Content segregated by group permissions would be a hell of lot more useful.... i've had to use a more expensive Coldfusion based solution for some of my bigger projects.

Great work!


Posted: Wed 23. Mar 2005, 18:28
by marco
How does your client use these groups?

This looks a lot like a company directory, are there other functions behind the scene?

Do the various groups have different priviledges or access rights to, say, edit documents that belong to the group?

Posted: Wed 23. Mar 2005, 22:16
by irishsk
Has this been posted yet for download. I was would love to try it out.


Posted: Thu 24. Mar 2005, 14:11
by fshocker
Hi there kristoff...when will you have this mod available.

best regards.

Posted: Thu 24. Mar 2005, 14:31
by rushclub
i now post a pm from kristofixx. i think this is o.k.:
Sorry for the lack of answers next to my original post...
I'm still completing the documentation of this mod, and I'm almost done with the translation and code optimization...indentation, comments, file versioning...

I'm just wondering how I can share my work with the community, do I have to post updated/added files as an attachment or publish it directly into CVS in the current branch release ?


Posted: Fri 1. Apr 2005, 08:34
by trip
Hi all
has there been an update yet??



Posted: Tue 5. Apr 2005, 01:38
by phalancs
Wow, that looks great.

Any news? I would be so glad if it will be available soon.
Can't wait to play with groups.
Already waiting for years ...

Please keep us informed.

thanx in advance

Posted: Mon 25. Apr 2005, 17:40
by brans
hmm any news about this ?