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Integrate automatic Link Check?

Posted: Sun 13. Mar 2005, 14:59
by TMerz

Ich habe das Forum durchsucht, konnte aber noch kein Posting zu diesem Thema finden. Deshalb möchte ich zur Diskussion stellen, was die Community von einem Modul für die automatische Prüfung der internen und externen Links hält. Je mehr Redakteure eine Webseite mit pflegen, desto schwieriger ist es, den Überblick zu haben und alle Links "sauber" zu halten.

Meine Idee: Das Modul, konfigurierbar in der Admin-Ebene, prüft in einem frei wählbaren Zeitintervall (z.B. täglich, wöchentlich) alle verwendeten Links innerhalb der Webseite durch und schreibt eine Log-Datei. Broken Links könnten so systematisch vom Redakteur oder Admin abgearbeitet werden.

Hat Jemand vielleicht schon in eine ähnliche Richtung gedacht?
Gibt es eventuell Open-Source-Lösungen, die als Zwischenlösung relativ einfach (z.B. als CGI) eingebunden werden könnten?

Gruß aus Herxheim,

This posting in english (and sorry for my limited translation!):


I searched the forum but couldn´t find any similar thread. So I suppose to discuss: What´s Your opinion about a automatic running link checker-modul, integrated in PHPWCMS to check all used internal and external links within the website? The more persons writing content, the more difficult is it to keep overview about the used links and keep them "clean".

The idea: A mod, configurable in the admin-section, checks the used links e.g. daily / weekly and writes a log-file. So the users and the admin are able to work simply on broken links.

Has anyone in the community had this idea in similar way?
Are there opensource-solutions available, e.g. as CGI, which are simple to integrate before a full integrated mod exists?



Posted: Mon 14. Mar 2005, 15:09
by Neelix
I'v got some snippet:
- an php function to ping an URL (ftp/http) (in use)
with return:
- command for request
- answer from request
- head from side
- summary: ok || !
- time for request
( it's with ideas from: (GPL) )

- checks the used links e.g. daily / weekly: I can write an litte sript
- writes a log-file: I can write an litte sript
We need:
- one side 4 Admin: options/logfile management/...

Next please....

Re: OK

Posted: Mon 14. Mar 2005, 19:42
by TMerz
Neelix wrote:I'v got some snippet:
- an php function to ping an URL (ftp/http) (in use)
with return:
- command for request
- answer from request
- head from side
- summary: ok || !
- time for request
( it's with ideas from: (GPL) )

- checks the used links e.g. daily / weekly: I can write an litte sript
- writes a log-file: I can write an litte sript

Sounds great! These are exactly the features for a useful mod! :lol:

Neelix wrote:We need:
- one side 4 Admin: options/logfile management/...

Next please....

I´m not sure: What do You mean with that exactly? :?:

Unfortunately I have absolut no knowledge in coding such scriptings and can´t support You for that. Testing and documentation is not the question.
Please post here again, if there is a chance You would put some work into an automatic link-checker module. Thanks, Neelix!


(sorry again for my english)

Re: OK

Posted: Tue 15. Mar 2005, 09:44
by Neelix
We need: ...
I think: one side for the admin with options (in witch interval we scan, all article or mybe an area 1..10), mybe an list 4log-reading (can be an table, not an file)...
...Next please...
other user need/will other features
if there is a chance You would put some work into an automatic link-checker module
... on my way... :wink:
Testing and documentation is not the question.
there is enough to do 4 "not coder" 8)

Statusreport -> I'v started an MOD - Download will be follow next time...
4Tester: look here --...--/index.php?topic=115.0 + PN me, 4wishes/report/notes/... Thanks

Posted: Fri 3. Jun 2005, 18:54
by frold
I dont understand this:
#-----[ v1.2.1-DEV & Release 1.1-RC4 27-08-2004 ]-------

#-----[ LINUX: CREATE LINK ]-------------------------
in phpwcms_template/inc_script/frontend_init to

ln -s ../../../include/inc_module/mod_lc/inc_front/lc.interval.scan.php

#-----[ NOT LINUX: COPY ]----------------------------
cp include/inc_module/mod_lc/inc_front/lc.interval.scan.php phpwcms_template/inc_script/frontend_init/

What to do?