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Coffee Time for PHPWCMS

Posted: Sun 11. Jan 2004, 19:47
by Florian
Hello toghter!

The last week was very eventfully. Patches, new Version and, and, and.
So I thought it's time to have a little break and relax. So I baked a platter full of apple pie.
Feel free to take a piece of the picture and taste it (I'd must spend the left corner to my family...)!


Have a nice weekend (or the rest of it -depending on which timezone you're living in),

Posted: Sun 11. Jan 2004, 20:02
by frold
hehe you are crazy :lol:

Posted: Sun 11. Jan 2004, 20:07
by adriano
Shall I give you my homeaddress, where you have to send a piece of it to?

Posted: Mon 12. Jan 2004, 09:58
by Florian
Hehe! I think the postman will eat it on the way 'cause it's a very long way to Bremerhaven ;).


Posted: Tue 13. Jan 2004, 16:28
by Pappnase

when my digicam is repaird i will spend the coffee!*smile


Posted: Tue 13. Jan 2004, 19:56
by Florian
Thats a great idea!

Posted: Sun 22. Feb 2004, 19:07
by pSouper
I've made coffee and buscuits for all- enjoy.

you can add the milk yourseves - I couldn't bring myself to ruin a perfectly good drink that way :P

Posted: Tue 24. Feb 2004, 22:23
by pSouper
don't eat all the biscuits at once you greed people ;)

Posted: Tue 24. Feb 2004, 22:27
by frold
you are so funny - in nearly every post you make you get me :) - you are a never ending "funny" storie?

Posted: Wed 25. Feb 2004, 13:39
by pSouper
Hi frold, did you just east the last biscuit ?? you greedy man !!! ;)

still i you had the decency to leave the crumbs for others to enjoy :lol:

ps. frold: nearly every post??? I must try harder ;)

Posted: Wed 25. Feb 2004, 14:30
by frold
pSouper wrote:Hi frold, did you just east the last biscuit ?? you greed you man !!! ;)
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm it was good....

coconut in one :)

Posted: Wed 17. Mar 2004, 10:12
by pSouper
hi guys,
I thought I'd share my good news with you all.

I have managed to peel a whole cocnut in one peice :)
and now it's open

it is with mix emotions I that I now report to you that despite being overjoyed at my newest fruit&nut experience I have since been phsycologically crushed by discovering that my coconut is not as fresh as the supermarket may had led me to believe.
I am rinsing the rancid taste from my mouth (for the 4th time) as I share this late-breaking news with you all.

Posted: Wed 17. Mar 2004, 14:20
by Jan212
hello p,
i've created a very healthy menu :wink: for you, to regenerate your intestine flora... :wink:


your housewife jane

Posted: Wed 17. Mar 2004, 14:33
by pSouper
It looks lovely... for a starter :)

something funny

Posted: Mon 29. Mar 2004, 20:21
by Pappnase