Hi all,
I am a new user of phpwcms and must say for my work (it is currently for private use) it is a clear and easy using tool to make a website running.
I tested a lot of systems like mambo, typo contenido, ez publish etc..., but they are too complicated to get a fast and good result.
The only feature which I am missing at all of these cms systmes is the so called staging.
This means I would like to have the total content of the project generated as static html files. Shure this makes only sense if there is no additional php code in the sites which has to be executed during runtime.
I know, this is possibile with some tools like wget or others, but it is always luck, if all sites are fetched and saved correct.
Maybe somebody knows reddot cms. This is one of the systems I found which is supporting this feature, but not open source !?!?
THe reason for this fetaure is, that not everybody who wants to have content managed website does have php and a database on his webspace. Therefore, the way should be staging the project and transfer all html via ftp to the webserver.
Does somebody ever think about that, or am I the only one how would like to have this?
Best regards to all