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Kein Artikel zu erstellen..

Posted: Fri 4. Mar 2005, 11:04
by wolfjack
weder in den roots noch in der Strukturebene kann ich einen neuen Artikel zu erstellen. Das ist tragisch.. :?

Hier die Message:
error while copy article
error while connecting to database:

error while connecting to database:

INSERT INTO db_webdes_phpwcms_article (article_cid, article_uid, article_username, article_title, article_keyword, article_public, article_aktiv, article_begin, article_end, article_subtitle, article_redirect, article_sort, article_notitle, article_created, article_cache, article_nosearch) VALUES ('55','1','Wolfram','tacheles','','1','1','2005-03-04 10:58:02','2010-12-31 23:59:59','','', 0,0, '1109930282', '', '');

Kann jemand mit dieser Meldung etwas anfangen? Ich arbeite mit *phpwcms v1.2.1-DEV* vielen Dank erst mal..

Posted: Fri 4. Mar 2005, 11:10
by pico

check please your Configuration in
check the Permissions of Files/Folders

this will help you

Posted: Tue 8. Mar 2005, 18:58
by wolfjack
pico wrote:Hi
check please your Configuration in
check the Permissions of Files/Folders
this will help you
Hello and thanx for the little help from my friend,
some table was missing in MySQL-database..
No body knows..
