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new site using DEV release

Posted: Wed 2. Mar 2005, 21:22
by gogoguerilla
I finally have a site up using the latest DEV release:

Also, a sample of an email that is going to be sent via the Newsletter: ... 005-02.htm

I welcome any feedback!


greg z

Posted: Wed 2. Mar 2005, 21:26
by cyrano
nice site and well designed newsletter, wow!!

and nice different menue -love it.

Posted: Wed 2. Mar 2005, 21:55
by Rainer G
The newsletter looks very good :-)

Posted: Wed 2. Mar 2005, 23:44
by spirelli
How do you go about designing a newsletter like this? Not how itlooks like but more how the workflow is. (I've never had a look at the newsletter content part).

Posted: Wed 2. Mar 2005, 23:44
by spirelli
How do you go about designing a newsletter like this? Not how itlooks like but more how the workflow is. (I've never had a look at the newsletter content part).

Posted: Wed 2. Mar 2005, 23:46
by cyrano
hi spirelli,

you have a html input field and a plain text field, so you can copy a whole html page code into the html input field and use the formatting variables like ###RECIPIENT_NAME### to make a customized newsletter.

Posted: Wed 2. Mar 2005, 23:48
by spirelli
thanks. So does the whole HTML page get sent to the recipients or do they just get an email with a link to the online newsletter?

Posted: Wed 2. Mar 2005, 23:58
by cyrano
hi spirelli,

haven't checked this yet, but i think it's delivered as html page to the recipients, because its in the same form for the newsletters setup.

so it must be possible to send a html-formatted and also a plain text one.

Posted: Thu 3. Mar 2005, 01:38
by gogoguerilla
Hi. Thanks for the feedback - it is very much appreciated.

So in the Newsletter page in the "Messages" section of the backend, you set up a newsletter then are provided with two boxes, one for HTML and one for Plain Text. With this I only included the actual content in the "HTML" box using embedded (not linked) css to achieve layout. In the "plain text" field, I simply put something to the affect of: "Our newsletter is in HTML and is not viewable by your mail client. Click here to read it", and then have a link to the html version listed above.

Hope that helps! The only down-side (& suggestion) to the newsletter app is that you have to manually input the unsuscribe,etc. links. It would be nice to have the option of phpwcms doing one automatically.