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Dutch manuals/translations of the backend

Posted: Wed 2. Mar 2005, 17:44
by Pauli
I was hoping for someone who can help me on the manual/translation of the backend manual in Dutch.
I started working on it and it's a lot of work. No problem, I need it to be done, but I can't wait for the new version :(
So any help would be very appreciated!


Nederlandse documentatie site

Posted: Tue 15. Mar 2005, 12:47
by Pauli
I did some translating with as result a part of the manual translated to Dutch, incl. screenshots.

I made this in phpwcms 1.1-RC4 , but with the design from the new version. I'll work on it every now and then and I hope you find it usefull...


Posted: Tue 15. Mar 2005, 14:56
by spirelli
Hey great!
Although Duch is of no use for it's nice to see things getting more international.

Why not discuss withPappnase to join hisdocu site, which seems to be sort of semi-official? also has linked there, so it would be good to have Duch right there so that newcomers can easily find it.

Posted: Tue 15. Mar 2005, 15:10
by Pauli
spirelli wrote:Why not discuss withPappnase to join hisdocu site, which seems to be sort of semi-official? also has linked there, so it would be good to have Duch right there so that newcomers can easily find it.
I did, and I will, but I had to make this in a hurry for one of my clients, for which I'm already 2,5 months over the deadline...
In time this is gonna be added to Pappnase's site (when he is ready :lol: )
I also want to extend it further with much more details and screenshots, because that is what all clients want.

About the design; to make clients comfortable with the workplace I thought is was a good idea to make the manual the same design as the backend area. Is it a good idea, what do you think?

Posted: Tue 15. Mar 2005, 17:26
by spirelli
Pauli wrote:...when he is ready :lol: ...
:wink: I have done some English translations for him 1- 2 months ago and some of it is still not up, I also did the sitemap content part for the docu site and this also is not up yet. He must be very busy! :D
Pauli wrote:About the design; to make clients comfortable with the workplace I thought is was a good idea to make the manual the same design as the backend area. Is it a good idea, what do you think?

Bravo! I think it would do the whole project a lot of good if everything came together more visually (, docu site... whatever else there is - I've suggested this a while ago). Particularly the docu site would be nice to have the same beautiful layout as / the backend. If your give the docusite as reference to clients having the same design it ill make a much more professional and trustworthy impression! (Same for people who are browsing around searching for a CMS).

Posted: Thu 26. May 2005, 13:19
by Kosse
pauli wrote:I did some translating with as result a part of the manual translated to Dutch, incl. screenshots.
Links seems to have an htaccess...
Do you still have that doc and are you willing to share it? I would be interested to have it :roll: ... and contribute to it as well.


Posted: Tue 31. May 2005, 13:08
by Kosse
Hi Pauli,

any news? (Anders moet ik alles alleen gaan schrijven snif snif...)

By contributing I mean, putting some nice layout (pdf and for printing --> like a quark file or something) and adding/updating to 1.2.3.


Posted: Mon 27. Feb 2006, 12:15
by caramello
Kosse wrote:Hi Pauli,

any news? (Anders moet ik alles alleen gaan schrijven snif snif...)

By contributing I mean, putting some nice layout (pdf and for printing --> like a quark file or something) and adding/updating to 1.2.3.

Is het gelukt een Nl eindgebruikers doocumentatie te bemachtigen ? Ik ben zelf redelijk op weg en wil deze graag delen met de communicty maar heb geen zin om net als jij de hele documentatie opnieuw te schrijven als het al bestaat.

Julius (

Posted: Mon 27. Feb 2006, 19:41
by ff123
Dag Julius,

Ik ben van plan een dezer dagen een training/end user manual in elkaar te zetten in word/pdf formaat. De training manuals die ik tot nu toe heb gevonden zijn allemaal met verouderde screenshots. behalve op:
Dit zijn meer recente screenshots. Mijn klant is tevreden met een engelstalige manual, maar misschien kunnen we evt. samenwerken. Mijn mailadres staat in het profiel
:? .

Posted: Wed 19. Apr 2006, 17:46
by caramello
Beetje laat, maar ben inmiddles wel bijna klaar met een NL uitvoering. Zal hem plaatsen als ie af is. Thanks elke weg.


Posted: Fri 19. May 2006, 16:51
by ff123
I just finished a dutch website and am planning a training. Just looking for a training manual right now. 8)

Are there already manuals available in .doc or pdf? Preferrably dutch. Caramello, I recently sent you a mail, perhaps you did not receive? Maybe you read this post then. :wink:

If I cant find anything then I may rewrite the iolaire manual:

Hope to see some response! :)

Re: Dutch manuals/translations of the backend

Posted: Mon 12. Jun 2006, 10:34
by Vargas
Pauli wrote:I was hoping for someone who can help me on the manual/translation of the backend manual in Dutch.
I started working on it and it's a lot of work. No problem, I need it to be done, but I can't wait for the new version :(
So any help would be very appreciated!

Ik ben op het moment bezig een nederlandstalige handleiding te schrijven voor gebruikers die net beginnen met phpwcms.

Ik zal deze dan ook ter beschikking stellen in dit forum.

Posted: Tue 13. Jun 2006, 11:12
by ff123
Inmiddels is er ook al een nederlandstalige user manual af:

Re: Dutch manuals/translations of the backend

Posted: Sat 1. Jul 2006, 22:08
by Vargas

Ik ben op het moment bezig een nederlandstalige handleiding te schrijven voor gebruikers die net beginnen met phpwcms.

Ik zal deze dan ook ter beschikking stellen in dit forum.


Inmiddels ben ik halverwege met deze handleiding. Zeer uitgebreid en bedoeld als cursus materiaal en naslagwerk voor gebruikers die geen ervaring met phpwcms hebben.


I am currently wrting a user manual of the back-end in dutch that can be used for training sessions and user guide for users not familiar with phpwcms. The manual is done for about 50% now.