Hello. I've made a little patch to put in FCKeditor instead of htmlarea. It's NOT error free - here at home it works fine on a fresh installed RC2, but it seems I'm having trouble getting it quite right - it won't show on Frolds testsite for some reason.
Also, it cannot handle existing articles, but I'm pretty sure you people can help me out here - it's 'simply' that it inserts existing articles as HTML-code in the editor field, instead of putting in the result of the code.
I'm rather convinced that this line needs some other contents:
oFCKeditor.Value = '".html_specialchars($content["text"])."' ;
You can get it here: http://alleykat.lir.dk/downloads/-phpwc ... ch_v01.zip but DO notice above limitations - this IS just a 'beta' release, I won't guarantee anything.
It only replaces 1 file in phpwcms - I've included the original file under another name, see included readme. This is based on the 4/1 RC2, not the latest one (yet)
My own, not very deep, tests haven't shown any problems handling everything right if installed into a 'fresh' version, above is only a problem with existing articles I think.
FCKeditor patch for phpwcms, need a bit help
to see a demo of the fckeditor visit this site: http://www.fredck.com/fckeditor/Demo/
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